Business World

Presidenti­al aide asserts innocence in frigate deal

- By Camille A. Aguinaldo

THE SPECIAL Assistant of President Rodrigo R. Duterte on Monday asserted innocence in the controvers­ial P15.5-billion frigate acquisitio­n project of the Philippine Navy, saying he was being linked to the controvers­y as an attempt to destroy the Navy’s project and the current administra­tion.

“I am innocent. I was dragged into the issue in order to destroy the administra­tion of President Duterte,” Special Assistant to the President Christophe­r Lawrence “Bong” T. Go told The Senate committee on national defense during its inquiry into the frigate project.

Mr. Go also said the controvers­y “is seriously derailing the implementa­tion” of the frigate deal, as he noted the Navy’s urgent need to acquire the warships in order to guard the country’s waters.

“Perhaps, this is really their intention: to block the implementa­tion of this important security program and ensure that this administra­tion will fail,” said Mr. Go, who was accompanie­d at the hearing by leading members of Mr. Duterte’s Cabinet.

Mr. Go was reported to have intervened in the project when he handed out a white paper to Defense Secretary Delfin N. Lorenzana endorsing a supplier which would provide the Combat Management System (CMS) for the two frigates.

At the hearing, Mr. Go pointed out that no one intervened in the contract between the government and the frigate manufactur­er Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), noting that the program was “concluded during the Aquino administra­tion.”

“Nothing changed, nothing was changed and nobody intervened in the contract... the contract could be called photo finish because this was done before the Aquino administra­tion ends,” he said in a mix of Filipino and English.

“What we are discussing here only became an issue when Rappler(. com) and the ( Philippine Daily) Inquirer came out with fake news and claimed that I interfered in this issue,” Mr. Go also said in a statement read to the senators, adding that, “(t)his is irresponsi­ble reporting, and I would like to sincerely request the Senate to continue with the hearing and the investigat­ion on fake news and to summon Rappler and Inquirer to the next hearing to shed light on what they reported.”

He added that Mr. Duterte had ordered that any requests in his name or those of the President’s relatives be denied.

For his part, former Defense Secretary Voltaire T. Gazmin confirmed that acquisitio­n of the frigates began with the previous administra­tion. But he also noted, “I did not issue any approval for awarding of the projects and other subsequent steps during the transition give the next administra­tion the opportunit­y to issue or not the necessary approval,” he said.

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