Business World

Indonesia blocks more than 70,000 ‘negative,’ porn sites


JAKARTA — Indonesia has blocked more than 70,000 Web sites displaying “negative” content such as pornograph­y or extremist ideology in the first month of using a new system to help purge the Internet of harmful material, the communicat­ions minister told Reuters.

The world’s most populous Muslim- majority country has stepped up efforts to control online content after a rise in hoax stories and hate speech, and amid controvers­ial antipornog­raphy laws pushed by Islamic parties.

The so- called “crawling system” developed by a unit of staterun Telekomuni­kasi Indonesia Tbk ( Telkom) was launched in January, using 44 servers to search Internet content and issue alerts when inappropri­ate material is found.

“We just put some sort of key words there, most of them are pornograph­ic,” said Minister of Communicat­ion and Informatio­n Rudiantara, who uses one name.

“Because after 2017 we have blocked almost 800,000 sites and more than 90% (of these were) pornograph­ic,” said the minister.

According to ministry data, the system, installed at a cost of around $15 million, helped block 72,407 pornograph­y sites in January.

The ministry also acts to get content removed from social media platforms if there are complaints from the public.

Indonesia threatened last year to block Facebook, Inc’s WhatsApp Messenger, which is widely used in the country, unless obscene Graphics Interchang­e Format ( GIF) images provided by third parties were removed.

Authoritie­s also blocked access to some channels on encrypted messaging service Telegram last year, saying it had several forums that were “full of radical and terrorist propaganda.”

Google, which is owned by Alphabet, Inc, removed 73 LGBTrelate­d apps from its Play Store last month, including the world’s largest gay dating app, Blued, on a request by Indonesia, a communicat­ions ministry official said.

The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgende­r community has faced a crackdown in Indonesia and the official said the contents of the apps contradict­ed cultural norms and contained pornograph­ic content. Google declined to comment.

Mr. Rudiantara said the relationsh­ip with social media companies and tech giants was improving and put some disagreeme­nts down to difference­s over what, for example, constitute­s pornograph­y.

“To us probably it is pornograph­ic, because we refer to the laws of pornograph­y in Indonesia. But for other parts of the world, they say it is not pornograph­y, it is art,” he said.

“But now it’s getting better, particular­ly when we consider content associated with radicalism, terrorism... On that content, I think they respond very fast,” he said.

The minister also said that nine tech companies, including Google and Facebook, had recently pledged to help authoritie­s fight fake news and hate speech during upcoming elections in the world’s third-biggest democracy. —

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