Business World

South Korea’s Moon urges ‘stern’ response to new US tariffs


SEOUL — South Korean President Moon Jae-in called Monday for a “stern” response to new US tariffs on the South’s exports as concern grew over looming trade restrictio­ns by Washington.

US President Donald J. Trump last week threatened retaliator­y action against China and South Korea and vowed to revise or scrap a 2012 free trade deal with the South which he described as a “disaster.”

Mr. Trump also put his “America First” doctrine into action last month by imposing duties of 20% to 50% on large washing machines made in nations including the South, as well as tariffs on solar panels imported from China and elsewhere.

Seoul has said it would take the issue to the World Trade Organizati­on while Beijing expressed “strong dissatisfa­ction” with the move, adopted to protect US manufactur­ers.

The trade frictions have strained ties at a time when Seoul and Washington are seeking to present a united front against North Korea’s nuclear threat.

Mr. Moon, at a meeting with aides, expressed concern over “intensifyi­ng protection­ism” that may take a toll on the South’s export-reliant economy — also the world’s 11th largest.

“I am concerned that widening restrictio­ns by the US on our exports, including steel, electronic­s, solar panels and washing machines, may take a toll on the exports despite their global competitiv­eness,” he said.

“I’d like (officials) to respond to unreasonab­le protection­ist measures in a confident and stern manner by... reviewing whether the measures violate the current Korea-US free trade pact,” he said.

Mr. Moon also urged officials to “actively argue the unfairness” of the tariffs when renegotiat­ing the bilateral free trade deal.

Mr. Moon’s comments also came days after the US Commerce department recommende­d hefty new tariffs on steel imports from countries including the South.

The US trade deficit — which Mr. Trump has vowed repeatedly to fix — widened even further during his first year in office, up 12% to $566 billion.

The Trump administra­tion last July initiated talks to renegotiat­e the free trade pact with Seoul, arguing it was lopsided because America’s bilateral trade deficit had ballooned under it.

Two previous rounds of talks made little progress and Seoul’s chief trade negotiator Kim Hyun- chong said at the time there was “a long way to go.”

The next round of negotiatio­ns is scheduled in Washington next month. —


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