Business World

Good trip, bad trip

For Duterte, the good trip only happens once in a blue moon.

- FILOMENO S. STA. ANA III FILOMENO S. STA. ANA III coordinate­s the Action for Economic Reforms.

Ithought last week was going to be a good week. On the rare occasion that I read the newspaper, I found good news. The headline stories of The

Philippine Star edition of April 7 surprised me, for I was expecting bad news. The banner story: “Rody to DoJ chief: Do what is right.” The newly appointed Department of Justice (DoJ) secretary, Menardo Guevarra is said to be a good, decent and competent person. That’s what a former ambassador, a former Cabinet official from the Aquino III administra­tion, and my schoolmate­s tell me. Mr. Guevarra will do right, but let’s hope he will not be prevented from doing so. Also front- page news of

The Philippine Star was the President’s response to the humanitari­an crisis in Myanmar. Duterte called the situation in Myanmar a genocide (“PHL to accept refugees from Myanmar ‘genocide’”).

Moreover, Duterte said he is willing to accept Rohingya refugees. The Philippine­s has a proud history of giving refuge to persecuted people all over the world — the so-called White Russians, or those from the former Soviet Union who fled Stalin’s terror; the Spanish republican­s who lost the civil war against the Franco fascists; the Jews who escaped the Nazi Holocaust; the Vietnamese “boat people” who feared the retaliatio­n from the communist victors.

On page 2 of the same paper, I read about the feedback to the appointmen­t of Lt. Carlito Galvez, Jr. as the chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippine­s (AFP). The response even from non-Duterte stakeholde­rs has been positive. Mujiv Hataman, governor of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, welcomed the appointmen­t of Mr. Galvez. Hataman described Galvez as one who “has a big heart” and has the “genuine intention to end the hostilitie­s.” Fr. Angelo Calvo, a priest who is a convener of the Mindanao Peace Weaver, called Galvez a “champion peacemaker.”

In the same vein, my friend, Miriam Coronel Ferrer, the former peace negotiator during the previous administra­tion, congratula­ted Gen. Galvez on her Facebook page. Said Miriam: “[I] am grateful that a believer in the primacy of the peace process like Gen. Galvez now heads the AFP. The next months ahead are just as challengin­g, and it takes a thinking and considerat­e general to do the right thing.” And as I kept reading The

Philippine Star of April 7, I came across a news item on page 6 titled “Duterte urges House to pass BBL.” BBL refers to the Bangsamoro Basic Law, which should have been passed during Aquino III’s term. But the Mamasapano tragedy scuttled the BBL.

What about the incoming Philippine National Police chief Oscar Albayalde? His view on the drug is front-page news of the same Philippine

Star edition (“Albayalde can’t promise less bloody drug war”). I pay attention to what appears on the jump page of the said article ( page 6), in which the Star reported that “Albayalde would submit all documents of deaths in drugrelate­d police operations in Metro Manila.” Said Albayalde: “That is the order of the SC [Supreme Court] so we have to comply.”

I asked myself after reading all the good news: “What’s happening? Am I hallucinat­ing?” I found an answer: “It’s working, the drug is working. The Fentanyl is working! Digong is having a good trip!”

But soon after all the good news, Duterte was again his usual self — being belligeren­t and cussing and ordering Alvarez and Calida to remove Supreme Chief Justice Sereno by all means.

Oh well, drugs can either give you a good trip or a bad trip. For Duterte, the good trip only happens once in a blue moon.

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