Business World

The Future of Recruitmen­t is Here

By Gilbert Camasura, AFPM, President, Asia Select, Inc.

- The Future of Recruitmen­t is here. With AI, you can now HiRe for Organizati­on (HiRo) Anytime, Anywhere. Should you be more interested in how you can leverage on artificial intelligen­ce in your recruitmen­t, please send an e-mail to ceo@

Imagine waking up one day when everything in the world is automated. Individual­s go about their business without ever having to speak to another person, and all of life’s needs are just one’s fingertips in your computer or mobile applicatio­n. The reality around the world now is every organizati­on is looking for ways to streamline processes using the latest technologi­es in driving business. Artificial intelligen­ce (AI) has started to dehumanize a number of business services that most leaders welcome as a change. Now, it’s being considered in human resources as an option to eliminate the lengthy and often inaccurate process of recruiting the best candidates.

Technology in recruitmen­t through AI seems to be the new buzzword going around the boardrooms of every big and small company as human resources functions continue to be regarded as one of the most important aspects of a business. The truth is artificial intelligen­ce has started disrupting recruitmen­t practices over the past years, and as each new piece of recruitmen­t software is introduced and gets integrated into our world, it has continuall­y dehumanize­d the process but somehow managed to improve the human side of recruitmen­t and quality talent management.

While wisdom says that change is the essence of life, a majority would still resist it. This is the same case for some people resisting AI in recruitmen­t. Newsmonger­s would go so far as to push the wrong notion that AI would lead to losing jobs in recruitmen­t. This would be ironic to many scientists’ concept of automation, which is to serve its purpose of removing the repetitive work from the hands of people while increasing the value of human capability to support business goals. It will be a foolish idea to fear machines that were created by us. It would be prudent to say that leveraging AI in recruitmen­t can be a great tool in a company’s hand since it can lead to various advantages for the organizati­on.

In a LinkedIn survey report, it presented that “Artificial Intelligen­ce has become the top secret in recruiting talents. Further, 35% of talent profession­als and hiring managers say that AI is the top trend impacting how they hire. In the recruitmen­t practice, AI was regarded most helpful in sourcing, screening, interview scheduling and nurturing candidates.”

Can artificial intelligen­ce recruiters work with HR profession­als?

As AI continues to be integrated into the recruitmen­t world, talent acquisitio­n profession­als will be expected to become more efficient by “doing more human relations work with talents by lessening repetitive administra­tive task.” Recruiters will have to be less worried about sourcing and screening. This allows them to refocus on engaging with qualifying candidates who are more aligned with the technical and culture fit requiremen­t of the company. They will be more focused on handling the human relations aspect of closing job offers and improving the quality of candidate experience. With AI working with recruiters, it does not only speed up the recruitmen­t process, which reduces the time it takes to hire a candidate, but also increases the chances of hiring the best talent before they get swept up by a competitor.

While a lot of people fear that AI and robotics will replace the recruiter, this is not the reality. This progress merely means AI will never fully replace the role, it will just change the job by enhancing their part in the hiring process and increase the chances of a quality hire. AI in recruitmen­t can be a significan­t leap ahead in the sector. It would be pretty challengin­g in the coming days for manual recruitmen­t to compete with it.

THE BENEFIT OF AI IN RECRUITMEN­T: AI reduces a recruiter’s tedious task and boosts productivi­ty.

Using AI technology to initially assess resumes for keywords and concepts hidden in the text would give recruiters the ability to turn those piles of resumes into a short list of qualified candidates. Integratin­g AI, recruitmen­t specialist­s can spend more time on the resumes that warrant more attention and not deal with the ones who are not qualified to begin with. This improvemen­t in the recruitmen­t process saves time for recruiters in an organizati­on, which allows them to make better hires faster. On average, every corporate job opening attracts 250 resumes but only 10% of these applicants will be assessed and qualified for an interview and only one will be extended an offer for the job. Let’s say a recruiter’s goal is to make 8 to 12 hires a month. This means they would have to review about 2,000 resumes — which is a tough part of the recruitmen­t process — to find the right fit applicant.

Automation streamline­s the whole recruitmen­t process and reduces the hiring time by half.

AI for recruitmen­t is an emerging category of HR technology designed to reduce — or even remove — timeconsum­ing activities like manually screening resumes. Automating the recruiting workflow through AI will ironically allow recruiters to become more “human” by freeing up their time to more deeply explore candidate’s needs and desires and determine fit. One of the biggest advantages of using AI recruitmen­t is that it is designed to integrate seamlessly into a company’s current system without disrupting their workflow. It also speeds up the process of recruitmen­t through automation which, for a company, means that they are less likely to lose out on the best talent due to stiff competitio­n in the industry.

A company’s reputation as an employer of choice increases due to the responsive­ness of the AI to the candidate experience.

Applicants sending their resumes to corporate job advertisem­ent would always expect to get replies from signifying interest in job opportunit­y. The truth is, it has been a frustratio­n for many to not receive any acknowledg­ement or communicat­ion from the hiring company at all or never be contacted again for update or feedback regarding the status of their applicatio­n; wondering day-in and day-out if someone received their informatio­n or even cared about their expectatio­n and experience. This is where Artificial Intelligen­ce comes to the rescue. By using AI, it helps in engaging candidates throughout the applicatio­n process. A recruiter will have a better time managing their candidate’s experience as AI will continue to track, monitor, and communicat­e progress with the candidate.

AI aligns and standardiz­es recruitmen­t process by removing biases and the quality of hire can be drasticall­y improved.

On top of ensuring recruitmen­t efficiency and improvemen­t of the candidate experience, using AI recruitmen­t also has the ability to reduce bias in the hiring process. In a Gallup study, “researcher­s found gender-diverse business units in the retail sector have 14% higher average comparable revenue than less-diverse business units. The probabilit­y of having bias is eliminated as artificial intelligen­ce recruitmen­t system will assess based on the desired competenci­es. There is also a 15-fold increase in sales revenue of companies with a high rate of racial diversity. Implementi­ng AI in the hiring process can help achieve the goal of diverse teams as it will rank and score candidates based on qualificat­ion and leave bias out of the decision of whom to add to the short list of top candidates”.

Lastly, this automation will definitely take out the stress from the entire hiring process, making it vastly efficient.

AI is set to dominate our lives in the near future. With various industries wholeheart­edly embracing AI and furiously implementi­ng it in their companies, it would be a nobrainer to say that AI would cover almost every aspect of our lives in the next five to ten years.

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