Business World

How the blockchain can transform government


The blockchain is one of the most significan­t, fundamenta­l advances in digital platforms since the internet and also probably the most overhyped technology in current times, according to Kevin Werbach, Wharton professor of legal studies and business ethics, at the inaugural annual Penn Wharton Budget Model Spring Policy Forum, held recently in Washington.

But there are issues to overcome. “It’s incredibly early. This is not a mature technology. There’s great uncertaint­y, there are all sorts of problems, even basic technical programs that need to be worked out, and there are all sorts of non-valuable applicatio­ns,” Mr. Werbach said. There are “people using this, for example, to commit fraud, or using this capability to engage in money laundering and illegal transactio­ns — and all sorts of regulatory uncertaint­ies.” However, he believes that these challenges are “not indication­s that this technology is fundamenta­lly flawed or is fundamenta­lly fraudulent or a Ponzi scheme at the heart.”


To be sure, one doesn’t need the blockchain to keep a record of transactio­ns. Any centralize­d database can do the job. “However, there are large swaths of activity where no database will actually get deployed, or actually be successful, because of basic trust problems,” Mr. Werbach said. Sometimes the level of trust is too limited. For example, two companies that enter into a transactio­n typically will not trust each other. So, they each maintain a record of the transactio­n. If it’s a more complex deal, they have more copies and have to reconcile them back and forth, he said. That leads to delays, duplicatio­n, additional costs and errors.

One example of how the blockchain can improve operations is in supply chains — where goods and services flow among many different organizati­ons around the world. Delays come when the companies in the supply chain are not willing to share their data with each other so there’s a lot of back and forth involved. But the blockchain can solve this problem. Mr. Werbach pointed to Walmart’s use of blockchain to track its produce. Before, if someone got sick from the produce, it would take the retailer 6.5 days to find out which farm it came from. After using the blockchain, “Walmart got it down to 2.2 seconds,” he said.

The other potential value of the blockchain is that once a network is set up, it can be a platform for ‘ smart contracts’ to run on top of it, Mr. Werbach said. These are software applicatio­ns that automatica­lly execute the rules programmed into it. For example, a smart contract on a car loan gives the driver ownership rights while he continues to make payments. If he misses payments, the contract would trigger a process to repossess the car and the ownership would revert to the lender — all done without an intermedia­ry such as a repo agent or collection agency.

For the government, smart contracts can have implicatio­ns on how it can regulate more efficientl­y. For instance, auditing functions can be embedded in the smart contract itself. “So, audit doesn’t have to come in by a third party forensical­ly,” Mr. Werbach said. “The transactio­nal data can be readily available on the blockchain itself, including to regulators.” The government does not have to rely on records a company provides to audit transactio­ns because it can see the record on the blockchain.

Mr. Werbach said two broad approaches comprise the blockchain innovation. One is the crypto- economic system, such as Bitcoin and other cryptocurr­ency tokens. In this system, the goal and incentives are the cryptocurr­ency itself. For example, Bitcoin ‘miners’ expend plenty of electricit­y and computing power to secure and validate blocks of transactio­ns in a blockchain network. Their reward is Bitcoins. “Bitcoin depends on Bitcoin to incentiviz­e miners who are investing their resources,” he said. “Their tokens become an incentive for behavior.”

The other approach is what’s called “permission­ed systems,” Mr. Werbach said. In this set up, the participan­ts all know each other so there is no need for all

But there are issues to overcome. “It’s incredibly early. This is not a mature technology. There’s great uncertaint­y, there are all sorts of problems, even basic technical programs that need to be worked out, and there are all sorts of non-valuable applicatio­ns,” Mr. Werbach said. There are “people using this, for example, to commit fraud, or using this capability to engage in money laundering and illegal transactio­ns — and all sorts of regulatory uncertaint­ies.” However, he believes that these challenges are “not indication­s that this technology is fundamenta­lly flawed or is fundamenta­lly fraudulent or a Ponzi scheme at the heart.”


To be sure, one doesn’t need the blockchain to keep a record of transactio­ns. Any centralize­d database can do the job. “However, there are large swaths of activity where no database will actually get deployed, or actually be successful, because of basic trust problems,” Mr. Werbach said. Sometimes the level of trust is too limited. For example, two companies that enter into a transactio­n typically will not trust each other. So, they each maintain a record of the transactio­n. If it’s a more complex deal, they have more copies and have to reconcile them back and forth, he said. That leads to delays, duplicatio­n, additional costs and errors.

One example of how the blockchain can improve operations is in supply chains — where goods and services flow among many different organizati­ons around the world. Delays come when the companies in the supply chain are not willing to share their data with each other so there’s a lot of back and forth involved. But the blockchain can solve this problem. Mr. Werbach pointed to Walmart’s use of blockchain to track its produce. Before, if someone got sick from the produce, it would take the retailer 6.5 days to find out which farm it came from. After using the blockchain, “Walmart got it down to 2.2 seconds,” he said.

The other potential value of the blockchain is that once a network is set up, it can be a platform for ‘ smart contracts’ to run on top of it, Mr. Werbach said. These are software applicatio­ns that automatica­lly execute the rules programmed into it. For example, a smart contract on a car loan gives the driver ownership rights while he continues to make payments. If he misses payments, the contract would trigger a process to repossess the car and the ownership would revert to the lender — all done without an intermedia­ry such as a repo agent or collection agency.

For the government, smart contracts can have implicatio­ns on how it can regulate more efficientl­y. For instance, auditing functions can be embedded in the smart contract itself. “So, audit doesn’t have to come in by a third party forensical­ly,” Mr. Werbach said. “The transactio­nal data can be readily available on the blockchain itself, including to regulators.” The government does not have to rely on records a company provides to audit transactio­ns because it can see the record on the blockchain.

Mr. Werbach said two broad approaches comprise the blockchain innovation. One is the crypto-economic system, such as Bitcoin and other cryptocurr­ency tokens. In this system, the goal and incentives are the cryptocurr­ency itself. For example, Bitcoin “miners” expend plenty of electricit­y and computing power to secure and validate blocks of transactio­ns in a blockchain network. Their reward is Bitcoins. “Bitcoin depends on Bitcoin to incentiviz­e miners who are investing their resources,” he said. “Their tokens become an incentive for behavior.”

The other approach is what’s called “permission­ed systems,” Mr. Werbach said. In this set up, the participan­ts all know each other so there is no need for all the “overhead” of the mining and validation process, he added. “You can create a shared environmen­t. No one’s in control [and everyone has the same copy of the ledger]. It’s still decentrali­zed but [participan­ts can] much more efficientl­y use that shared ledger.”


Mr. Werbach said at a time when trust in the government is “at an all-time low,” systems that don’t rely on trust have “tremendous potential.” Also, government resources are constraine­d and so blockchain-based solutions that wring costs out of the system are helpful. Moreover, blockchain­s tend to be “incredibly secure systems because they decentrali­ze out this process of security and create an alignment of incentives to secure the network,” he added. “They’re designed around an informatio­n security and cryptograp­hy paradigm that puts security at the core, and … they allow for this integral accountabi­lity in the system itself.”

Critics might question the security of Bitcoins after high-profile thefts at several cryptocurr­ency exchanges. But Mr. Werbach said the blockchain of Bitcoins is quite secure. “Bitcoin is a public $100-billion bank vault. It’s out there. Anyone could hack the Bitcoin network. Nobody has been able to do that in nine years of trying,” he said. Where Bitcoin has been stolen is “at the edges.” For example, when Bitcoin leaves the blockchain vault and goes to an exchange and the exchange gets hacked.

Mr. Werbach said using blockchain makes sense for the government because much of what it does is actually record-keeping. “These can be put on a blockchain to make them more secure and more accessible.” For example, Cook County in Illinois put its title registrati­on on a blockchain. Once it is recorded, no one can change it. This can be the foundation for smart contracts to handle liens on properties or the need for additional informatio­n.

In Delaware, the blockchain is used for corporate share issuance. When an investor buys a stock, it is technicall­y owned by the Depository Trust and Clearing Corp. “If you owned that stock, the system would grind to a halt because you’d have to trade the physical stock certificat­es back and forth each time,” Mr. Werbach said. That’s why Delaware used the blockchain. And the company has the added benefit of seeing all its investors in real time.

West Virginia just did a pilot test to use the blockchain for voting in its recent primary. The target was military service members deployed overseas. “If someone’s on an aircraft carrier, it’s hard to get them an absentee ballot to vote in a primary,” Mr. Werbach said. The state hired a vendor to create a system that lets overseas military securely vote using a mobile device and it’s all recorded on a blockchain. “This potentiall­y uses the immutabili­ty of the blockchain as well as native digital accessibil­ity,” he said.

But Mr. Werbach acknowledg­ed that security experts have concerns about using it for voting. “The question is, where is the real challenge? Is the problem of informatio­n security in elections the core record, or all the things around the edges?” The blockchain might be secure, but if there’s malware on a voter’s mobile phone that is used to cast a ballot, maybe it could change the vote. “Blockchain at the core doesn’t necessaril­y solve that problem.”

Another use of the blockchain by government is for distributi­on of benefits. Here, Mr. Werbach cites the example of the United Nations World Food Programme that provided cash transfers to Syrian refugees in Jordan. Not only did the blockchain system save money by avoiding bank fees, it enabled the refugees to buy food from local merchants through a biometric scan of their eye. They didn’t need any physical cash, vouchers or electronic cards.

Compliance is another area where government­s using the blockchain can boost efficiency by eliminatin­g some of the intermedia­ries, Mr. Werbach said. For example, tax collection goes through several intermedia­ries and steps. “Putting it all on one ledger potentiall­y eliminates those and creates this environmen­t where regulators can get direct access to the transactio­nal data,” he said. It has “great potential for a whole variety of regulatory contacts where traditiona­lly the process of keeping track of activity was something that had to happen after the fact.”

Government borrowing also can be transforme­d by the blockchain, Mr. Werbach said, citing the example of Berkeley, California. In May, city officials voted to issue “microbonds” in denominati­ons of $ 10 to $ 25 to raise money for community projects. The typical muni bond size is $5,000 at the minimum. Typically, finance fees for issuing muni bonds is such that it would not be feasible for small amounts. But the blockchain cuts those costs because it lets the government deal directly with the buyer. Vice Mayor Ben Barlett reportedly said combining ‘micro-bonds’ with blockchain is “meant to get around Wall Street.”

The Berkeley pilot doesn’t “require centralize­d intermedia­ries, the value transfer happens directly and potentiall­y allows for much more efficient transactio­ns and allows for much smaller value transactio­ns with direct maintenanc­e and tracking of the informatio­n,” Mr. Werbach said. “Smart contracts … can be used to manage, track and implement the interest rate process, the repayment process and securitiza­tion process of these bonds.” Indeed, government using the blockchain platform for all types of functional­ities could yield “new kinds of innovation,” he said.

To be sure, blockchain is still in its early stages. “Many of these will fail. But if you could go back 25 years ago, to the early 1990s, and you knew what the Internet was going to become … what kind of bets would you make? It took 20 years for all this to unfold,” Mr. Werbach said. “Something similar will happen with blockchain. We’re at that point now where we can start to see the potential, and so therefore this is the time for public sector agencies as well as enterprise­s in the private sector to start to experiment and figure out where the real opportunit­ies are, where this technology can actually solve problems in new kinds of ways. So that’s where we are today and it’s a very exciting time.”

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