Business World

Manila’s ‘Golden Gays’ sing for their supper ‘MY MOTHER WAS ANGRY’


AL ENRIQUEZ sheds his threadbare street vendor clothes like dead skin and develops a voguish, winking air once he slips into a gauzy gown and wig of tight blond curls.

He’s 82 years old and is one of the stars in a beauty pageant for elderly and poor gay men that’s about to start in a banquet hall on a rundown Manila street.

But this is not a rowdy, hooting drag show for tourists — instead it is part of the decades-long work of a collective of men like him to take care of their own.

They call themselves the Golden Gays and they mean it.

“When I’m dressed like this I feel ecstatic and I feel that I don’t have any sadness in me,” Enriquez told AFP. “I’m gay and I’m not embarrasse­d that I’m gay.”

The Philippine­s has a reputation of openness toward homosexual­ity, but experts say legal protection­s are lacking and the nation’s weak social safety net especially fails older gay people.

That’s why the Golden Gays have recruited corporate and private sponsors who pay for their members to get a decent lunch and a few days’ worth of groceries after the pageants they hold at least once a month.

“The show is just our way of saying thank you,” says the group’s 68-year-old organiser Ramon Busa, known as Monique de la Rue once in heels and make-up.

Most of the 48 members are in their 60s and are among the millions of Filipinos who survive on less than $5 per day.

In real life they are dishwasher­s, street hawkers, or scavengers, but for the afternoon the door will be closed on reality.

Ahead of the performanc­e, the air in the room smells of perfume and the fried food that will be served for lunch. The men tug their dresses into place and scrutinise themselves in handheld mirrors.

The show starts with music firing at distortion

volume from battered speakers as the 18 performers shimmy down the catwalk and strike poses — or land on the laps of the dozen or so friends and supporters in the audience.

The shows have been going on for years, but the Golden Gays’ roots are even deeper.

Back in the mid- 1970s they got their start in Manila’s urban sprawl as the Home for the Golden Gays — a house where homeless or poor older gay men could spend the night.

However, the home belonged to their founder, activist and columnist Justo Justo, and when he died in 2012 his family evicted the group within days.

This setback did not break up the group, which serves as the family that many of its members don’t have.

Federico Ramasamy, a long- time Golden Gay, was rejected by his parents once they learned of his sexuality. He made his way to Manila

 ??  ?? GOLDEN GAYS members preparing for the Golden Gays of Manila Beauty Pageant on June 16.
GOLDEN GAYS members preparing for the Golden Gays of Manila Beauty Pageant on June 16.

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