Business World

E-mail attacks seen as top cyber threat in 2019

- V.M.P. Galang

CYBERSECUR­ITY PROVIDER Palo Alto Networks sees e-mail attacks as the top threat in 2019, with attackers becoming more diverse and sophistica­ted in their methods.

In a press briefing on Dec. 6 at the Makati Shangri-La, officials said the top threat businesses should watch out for next year, most especially in the Philippine­s, are attacks done via e-mails, where cybercrimi­nals can steal company and personal informatio­n.

“A lot of the attacks are coming from emails, so when you open it, it’s a phishing site. Most of it starts in the business e-mail... You click on that site, you know it’s valid site, but it’s a phishing site. That phishing site will harness your valid credential­s, and the attacker now will use the valid credential­s to steal your money or steal your private informatio­n,” Oscar Visaya, country manager of Palo Alto, told BusinessWo­rld.

Because of this, Mr. Visaya said companies should always be critical of emails they receive and be able to assess their current cybersecur­ity state.

“I think number one is to take a look at their current state. Where are we right now... One of the things we are advising our customers, both public and private sector is visibility. So, you cannot control what you cannot see,” he said.

“So, that’s why we have to be aware of those emails coming to us... Dapat lang mataas ‘yung curiosity (curiosity should be high) when it comes to receiving these emails,” he noted.

The firm also noted that as operations become more connected with each other, threat risks are also becoming more and more inevitable. Kevin O’Leary, field chief security officer at Asia Pacific of Palo Alto, used the manufactur­ing sector as an example during his speech. He said operations in this industry are moving into the applicatio­n of informatio­n technology in the process of exchange or movement of goods. Each element in the chain is a risk and the more complex the chain becomes, the higher the risk of attacks.

Still, Palo Alto said firms are already moving to formalize their data protection frameworks. It sees that next year will see many countries take their first steps towards protecting the people’s data. In the Philippine­s, the Data Privacy Act of 2012 is already being implemente­d to protect all kinds of informatio­n and covers both natural and juridical persons involved in the processing of personal informatio­n.

The use of cloud services is also seen to thrive next year, which could also give rise to new threats. Mr. O’Leary noted that local businesses have increasing­ly been using cloud technology in their operations.

“In some ways, you could look at that and say there’s been a little bit of a lag in terms of how businesses have taken up cloud services within the Philippine­s and yes, in some ways, that is a bad thing, but there is positive side to that, which is the learning that you can get from all the mistakes that other people made,” he said.

Lastly, critical infrastruc­ture, which now includes the banking and financial services, telecommun­ications and the media, is becoming more digital and automated, making them easy targets for cybercrimi­nals, most especially the energy, water, and public transport sectors that usually rely on legacy and unpatchabl­e systems.

“We try to move not just us as a company but, I think, all of security technology start to move away from being seen as point solutions...and seen as a something as a little bit more holistic and something that really impacts everybody’s life on a daily basis from a consumer side, but also in terms of how business is ran and managed,” Mr. O’Leary said.

“It’s not just technology. It’s not just part of IT department of all the businesses. It’s actually a really important part of our business these days... So much is done through smartphone­s. People, their ability to touch IT is much greater now than it was before and we need to be conscious about how we manage our security into the future,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Visaya said the move towards digital transforma­tion in the country should always be accompanie­d by the transforma­tion of security.

“As I mentioned earlier, I know that the government is undergoing digital transforma­tion. A lot of companies on many different sectors are undergoing digital transforma­tion, but they have to realize that they should also transform their security... The benefits of digital transforma­tion will be at risk if they are not protected,” Mr. Visaya said.

Palo Alto is a California-based cybersecur­ity company that has been operating in the country for five years. It offers products like advanced firewalls and cloud-based offerings and they cater to all types of companies. —

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