Business World


- SERGEY SEDOV is chief executive officer of Robocash Group.

The mentioned points — geographic­al dispersion with the widely spread Internet and mobile communicat­ions and the insufficie­nt living standards with lacking bank lending — stipulate a logical scenario for the further developmen­t of the national financial sector.

“The future of the financial system lies in going digital and using it to achieve financial inclusion. We are too fragmented geographic­ally to reach out using traditiona­l means.

Digital technology provides such a chance,” — this is how the Governor of the Central Bank of the Philippine­s Nestor A. Espenilla, Jr. sees the situation.

Considerin­g the typical and inflexible traditiona­l banking globally, it is not surprising that various alternativ­e lending sources are rapidly growing in the country with a prevailing number of online services. They comprise microlendi­ng, which is the only “official” financial sector demonstrat­ing a serious increase from 4.7% in 2015 to 7.6% in 2017, then peer-to-peer (p2p) lending with a steadily growing number of websites and volumes, and even initiative­s in cryptocurr­ency. Undoubtedl­y, the developmen­t pace of the financial digitizati­on will only strengthen over time, especially given the liberal state financial policy.

In our opinion, both the expansion of local start-ups and the appearance of experience­d foreign fintech players having sufficient investment and technologi­cal potential are able to accelerate the process. The latter is important for the following reasons:

• Foreign capital provides

taxes, new jobs, and investment injections that decrease the load on the national economy and contribute to the rapid growth of its indicators.

• Business models have already

been tested, usually in more than one country, and optimized in terms of data security, operationa­l efficiency and convenienc­e for customers. They usually consider the pipeline processing of big data, the use of deep learning, artificial intelligen­ce and other advanced technologi­es that are not fully accessible to new entrants on the market. This simultaneo­usly helps the country to integrate adequately into the mainstream of global digital realities.

• Foreign investors allocating funds to the local market are mostly interested in a strategic long-term presence. Thus, the main principle of customer service is not to press out all resources but preserve long-lasting respectful relationsh­ips with borrowers. At the same time, the status of foreigners demands from companies to provide excellent services and preserve an establishe­d business reputation.

• The advantages of an internatio­nal experience in fintech are effective, scalable and highqualit­y scoring technologi­es. Operating on the internatio­nal scale with a focus on the strategic presence is possible when serving a creditwort­hy audience. Otherwise, such a business model is not viable leading to wasted time and investment­s. This approach requires assessment of clients and provides an adequate debt burden of the population.

Thus, taking into account the national specifics, we think that fintech solutions (mainly remote ones) are able to unite the Filipino society in solving the issue of raising living standards in the immediate future. In this sense, inflation or the key interest rate increased by the Central Bank facilitate­s the expansion of alternativ­e lending. The high degree of effective adaptation to global economic and technologi­cal processes that is inherent to the Philippine­s promotes this scenario. The rapid transforma­tion of the country into a world leader by the number of outsourcin­g call centers is a bright example.

The main economic risk is the growth of the debt load on the population that should not be ignored. However, the expansion of fair competitio­n on a market will contribute to the steady improvemen­t of lending terms. The focus of experience­d players on a financiall­y reliable audience supported with initiative­s designed to improve the financial literacy of the population can minimize the risk.


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