Business World

Bad loans of rural, cooperativ­e banks climb further

- Melissa Luz T. Lopez

BAD LOANS held by smaller banks surged faster in September 2018 to outpace a modest expansion in total lending, data from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) showed.

Non-performing loans (NPLs) held by rural and cooperativ­e banks rose by 14.2% as of end-September to P16.754 billion, coming from the P14.675 billion recorded during the comparable period in 2017.

This is faster than the 4.1% climb in total lending, which brought the loan portfolio of these small lenders to P140.962 billion from P135.393 billion the previous year.

NPLs refer to loans left unpaid at least 30 days past due date. These are considered as risky assets given a slim chance for borrowers to actually pay for their outstandin­g balances, which means losses for lenders.

With more soured debts, the banks’ NPL ratio rose to 11.89% of total outstandin­g loans, rising from 10.84% in September 2017.

Past due loans, which cover all types of loans which missed the payment deadline, soared by 31.5% to P21.922 billion, data showed. Meanwhile, restructur­ed debts with longer repayment periods also picked up by roughly a tenth to reach P2.434 billion.

Unlike the bigger universal and commercial banks, rural lenders mostly cater to smaller clients and communitie­s, with a focus on the farming sector as well as micro and small businesses operating in their area. They are considered as riskier segments compared to corporate borrowers.

With the higher share of problem loans, the banks hiked their allowance for possible credit losses to P12.747 billion, 11.7% higher than the P11.408 billion which they set aside previously. This is enough to cover 76.09% of the NPLs, providing some comfort that the lenders can stay afloat even if these unsettled accounts are written off. •

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