Business World

Court junks petition vs Cebu City’s Inayawan landfill rehab and closure


THE CLOSURE and rehabilita­tion of the Inayawan Sanitary Landfill in Cebu City can now proceed as planned after a regional trial court (RTC) junked a petition for a temporary restrainin­g order and/or writ of preliminar­y prohibitio­n filed by a constructi­on company. “Even assuming that this court finds the applicatio­n to be meritoriou­s and grants the same, such order may not be enforced in the province of Cebu where the act sought to be enjoined is allegedly being committed,” reads a portion of the order of Judge Catherine P. Manodon of the RTC-Branch 104 in Quezon City. Expedition Constructi­on Corp. asked the court to stop the Cebu City government from allowing another company, Full Advantage Phil. Internatio­nal Inc. (FAPII), to complete the contract for the closure and rehabilita­tion of the landfill. Expedition Constructi­on alleged that the previous administra­tion, led by former mayor Michael L. Rama, accepted their unsolicite­d proposal on the landfill rehabilita­tion in 2014. The city government under the current administra­tion awarded the contract to FAPII. City of Cebu, through lawyers Joseph Bernaldez and Bernard Inocentes Garcia, denied the submission of an unsolicite­d proposal in 2014 for lack of knowledge sufficient to form a belief as to the truth. Mr. Garcia said the city government will now ask the court to dismiss the case.-The Freeman >> Read more at

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