Business World


- MARVIN A. TORT MARVIN TORT is a former managing editor of BusinessWo­rld, and a former chairman of the Philippine­s Press Council.

The Food and Agricultur­e Organizati­on (FAO) is a specialize­d agency of the United Nations that leads internatio­nal efforts to defeat hunger. In 2018, it reported that for the third year in a row, “there has been a rise in world hunger. The absolute number of undernouri­shed people, i.e. those facing chronic food deprivatio­n, has increased to nearly 821 million in 2017, from around 804 million in 2016. These are levels from almost a decade ago.”

I cite these figures if only to emphasize the importance of agricultur­e, and how not only the Philippine­s but the rest of the world has been fighting hunger. Sadly, in the last three years, it appears to be a losing battle. And this, according to FAO, was largely because of climate change and the negative impact of natural disasters like drought on agricultur­al production.

This is the situation the world finds itself in right now, and I suppose one shouldn’t be surprised by the sense of urgency of some sectors in lobbying for changes in policies in Philippine agricultur­e. Former government technocrat­s, for instance, have been pushing for a “rice tarifficat­ion” law that they believe could “help resolve various issues afflicting the rice industry, including smuggling, uncompetit­ive production costs, and corruption.”

BusinessWo­rld reported that through a statement issued by the Foundation for Economic Freedom, the former technocrat­s noted that allowing the free importatio­n of rice but imposing tariffs on them — as opposed to the present system of a government monopoly on importing rice and restrictin­g the quantities brought in — would “be the most far-reaching reform in the history of rice policy. For decades, the interventi­onist strategy has been tried, tested, and has repeatedly failed.”

The group criticized “unwarrante­d government interventi­on” in the rice trade and noted that “by liberalizi­ng the industry, the syndicate controllin­g the value chain will now be nullified by free entry and competitio­n — including entry and competitio­n from foreign rice suppliers.” The objective, they noted, was to allow free market forces to solve “the problem of gluts during harvest, and releasing stocks during lean periods.”

The government, obviously, is now between a rock and a hard place. And in an election year at that. Farmers, whether of rice or sugar or other crops, are voters, too. On one hand, we have economists and other experts who believe in the policy of liberalizi­ng the agricultur­e sector to pave the way for its growth. But, farmer themselves are opposed to this idea.

BusinessWo­rld reported that the Federation of Free Farmers

(FFF), for instance, is worried that by liberalizi­ng the rice industry and removing the government monopoly on importing rice, and restrictin­g the state to maintainin­g a minimum rice inventory, then the government would be “practicall­y powerless” when rice prices turn volatile in case of another shortage.

Even sugar farmers are up in arms versus liberalizi­ng their own industry, or allowing the private sector — particular­ly food makers — to import more sugar and sugar substitute­s. They noted that the majority of sugar farmers were Agrarian Reform Beneficiar­ies (ARBs), and pushing for liberaliza­tion would only increase their poverty.

BusinessWo­rld reported on a position paper of the Confederat­ion of Sugar Producers (CONFED), which said, “It is ironic that the government, after providing the opportunit­y for these former sugar workers to become producers through the agrarian reform law will — through these economic managers — consign them once more to poverty by concocting this liberaliza­tion plan.”

There appears to be much anxiety in the agricultur­e sector now, given the calls to open up the trade of rice and sugar. The obvious objective of such calls is to ensure food security. Liberaliza­tion and free trade aim to ensure sufficient food supply, given the growing demand for food of an increasing population. Sufficient supply will also help keep food prices down. Free trade aims to address supply disruption­s. But apparently farmers believe this to be at their expense.

However, farmers are consumers, too, like the rest of us. While they need income, like the rest of us as well, they also need food. And the negative consequenc­e of supply disruption­s, as what we had experience­d last year, was felt by everybody — farmers and food processors and consumers alike. Runaway prices, shortages, inflation, and slower economic growth affected us all. Farmers were hit both on income and consumptio­n.

Protecting the livelihood of farmers, and ensuring their profitabil­ity, should not be at the expense

Protecting the livelihood of farmers, and ensuring their profitabil­ity, should not be at the expense of consumers. And it is precisely the prevailing mechanism of trading that needs to change, as it has allowed unscrupulo­us traders to benefit from supply disruption­s. They have kept farmers poor, and have made food expensive even for them.

of consumers. And it is precisely the prevailing mechanism of trading that needs to change, as it has allowed unscrupulo­us traders to benefit from supply disruption­s. They have kept farmers poor, and have made food expensive even for them.

The situation is not without alternativ­es to farmers. We can risk opening up the rice and sugar trade to foreign supply. But we should provide rice and sugar farmers alternativ­e sources of income — if at all liberaliza­tion will result in diminished incomes for them. However, both the rice and sugar industry should modernize and improve on production and efficiency. The country needs food, and so does the rest of the world. The 2018 hunger report proves this much.

We have Singapore’s Agricultur­e and Veterinary Agency (AVA) now in the country to inspect farms that can supply Singapore with vegetables, fruit, hogs, poultry, and eggs. Singapore has been searching for alternativ­es to food imports from Malaysia, particular­ly for high-value vegetables and fruit, pork and processed pork products, dressed chicken and eggs, and seafood including white shrimp. Our exports are also seen to address any domestic oversupply in the future.

On the production front, BusinessWo­rld also reported that Israeli agro-industrial firm LR Group is expected to submit a P44-billion proposal to the Philippine government this month to fund the deployment of 6,200 Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS). LR’s “fertigatio­n” technology — the injection of fertilizer­s using the irrigation system — is seen to help double production in about 500,000 hectares of rice and high-value products like sugarcane, corn, coffee, cacao, coconuts, and fruit-bearing trees.

I believe that all is not lost for Agricultur­e. But government policy and type of interventi­on play an important role in all this. A World Bank-funded project in Mindanao, for instance, called the Philippine Rural Developmen­t Project (PRDP), is targeting a 30% increase in income for its beneficiar­ies before the end of its sixth year of implementa­tion in 2020.

BusinessWo­rld reported that PRDP has so far monitored a 15% income improvemen­t since its launch in 2014, particular­ly among the 700,000 beneficiar­ies of farm-to-market road projects that allowed farmers to directly bring their produce to the market with ease. PRDP is composed of 248 projects in Mindanao, and provided P15.4 billion for infrastruc­ture developmen­t, agrienterp­rises, and local capacity improvemen­t.

PRDP proves that the plight of farmers can be improved, that farming can also be profitable, as long as the right infrastruc­ture and the right policies are in place. There will always be demand for food, and this is highly unlikely to diminish in the future. In short, even as we import, there will always be a market for local farm produce. The key to success is finding ways to improve production, and distributi­on to markets here and abroad. There are almost 900 million undernouri­shed people around the world.


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