Business World

Acer Philippine­s targets 10% sales volume growth this year

- Janina C. Lim

ACER Philippine­s, Inc. targets sales volume to grow 10% from last year, slower than the previous year amid the absence of big government projects to supply schools with gadgets.

“We are projecting maybe 10% growth,” Acer Philippine­s Sales and Marketing Director Sue C. Ong-Lim told reporters on Tuesday in Taguig City.

The target is slower than the 14% annual growth recorded in 2018 when about 490,000 units was sold in the Philippine­s.

The latest Philippine­s PC Market Overview report by market research firm Intelligen­ce Developmen­t Corp. (IDC), presented on Tuesday showed that Philippine personal computer (PC) imports rose 16.6% to 2.4 million units in 2018, the highest since at least 2014, with Acer leading the growth with a 20% share.

However, for this year, IDC projects the country’s overall PC imports to narrow by 8% due to the lack of processors from Intel.

For its part, Acer Philippine­s expects to end this year on a positive note.

“Actually, IDC’s forecast don’t take into considerat­ion the big government projects... For example, in 2018, there was really a huge bid for the Department of Education (DepEd). They didn’t take that into account for 2019 because wala pa talagang final. But I think 2019 will end still at the positive,” Ms. Ong-Lim said.

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