Business World

Companies must help workers reach personal goals, experts says

- Gillian M. Cortez

THE importance of employee personal goals is not well understood by most companies, which must find ways to help them achieve their own milestones while also contributi­ng to productivi­ty, a human resource associatio­n said.

Philippine Society for Talent Developmen­t (PSTD) President Fe Marie R. Cabantac said instead of training workers to meet company standards only, management should guide workers towards outcomes that meet both personal and company goals - an approach she called “discipline­d dreaming.”

“When we say ‘discipline­d dreaming’, it is the convergenc­e of organizati­onal and personal ambition. We are not discountin­g organizati­onal ambition here. In fact the individual should contribute to the achievemen­ts of the organizati­on’s mission and vision but at the same time, the organizati­on should realize the dreams and aspiration­s of the individual,” she said in an interview with BusinessWo­rld Tuesday.

The PSTD, a network of human resource profession­als, backs an approach that focuses on talent developmen­t. The associatio­n’s Talent Developmen­t Framework focuses on enhancing whatever skills and knowledge are already present in the worker.

Civil Service Institute (CSI) Executive Director Arthur Luis P. Florentin, who supports the framework, said that employee talent “is beyond standards.”

“The more that we have talented people, the more they will contribute to the competitiv­e edge of the company. I’d like to differenti­ate competence and talent because when we talk of competence, we say that people are doing well and they are performing according to certain standards but we stop there at certain standards. Talent is going beyond the standards because it’s already been personaliz­ed,” Mr. Florentin told BusinessWo­rld Tuesday.

Mr. Florentin said talent developmen­t is different from training, adding “training is a limited approach in developing people.”

The framework starts with “Pagmulat” (enlightenm­ent), which means discoverin­g the latent talent to be developed; “Paghusay” (practice) which is practicing that talent until one becomes a master of it; “Paglaya” means freedom from standards that constrain progress of one’s talent developmen­t; and “Pagtagumpa­y” is affirming that talent.

During the PSTD National Convention held on Tuesday, Ms.Cabantac also added that there is also a need to make developmen­t more personal so it won’t be focused on the product and output of companies but also in a more invigorate­d workforce. She said during the event, “We need to humanize the way we train and the way we want people to learn.”

Asian Institute of Management (AIM) Dean Jikyeong Kang said a talent-centered workforce is vital to all industries but it still must be prepared for technologi­cal disruption especially now that industry is facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution. She told BusinessWo­rld on Tuesday, “Whether you’re a tech company or non-tech company, what’s really important is to focus on people acquiring the right talent and making sure you train.” —

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