Business World

National Rare Disease Week invites everyone to ‘care for the rare’


THE WEEK of Feb. 22 to 29 marks the observance of the 11th National Rare Disease Week. Aimed at raising awareness about the challenges of people living with rare disease, this tradition began with Presidenti­al Proclamati­on 1989 signed by then-President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in February 2010, declaring the last week of February as the “National Rare Disease Week” in the Philippine­s.

With the theme “Greatness is Rare,” this year’s Rare Disease Week shines the spotlight on the people living with unique conditions, rare diseases, and orphan disorders. Taking inspiratio­n from the zebra and its distinctiv­e stripes, the campaign is part of a global initiative to invite the world at large to show its stripes in support of the rare disease community.

“The zebra is the symbol for rare disease because each of them have their own set of distinctiv­e stripe patterns,” said Cynthia Magdaraog, president of the Philippine Society of Orphan Disorders, Inc. (PSOD). “Every stripe is unique and every individual is great in their own way. Hence, we are inviting everybody to show their stripes and tell the world that Greatness is Rare.”

Together with the rest of the world, the country will also observe World Rare

Disease Day on the rarest day of all — Feb. 29, in order to raise awareness and highlight the challenges that people living with a rare disease and their families around the world face every day.

“The reality of the situation is that rare disease remains in a tough position,” the PSOD president intimated. “Diagnosis is a challenge, treatments can be a recurring hurdle and sustaining the whole cycle is a lifelong combat.”

Filipino patients born with rare disorders are burdened with a lack of existing network of support to aid them. Medical assistance is elusive under the conditions of the country’s health priority, and raising awareness for people affected by rare disease still looms.

“Rare disease comes with the challenge of funding and sustained financial support,” Ms. Magdaraog added. But the conversati­on should not be about the value for money but the value for health and life that the treatment, support, and management can provide on patients with rare disease.”

This year also marks the fourth year since the signing of the Republic Act 10747 or the Rare Diseases Act of the Philippine­s which aims to institutio­nalize the care and welfare of Filipinos with rare disease and facilitate the collaborat­ion of the government, the private sector, and health organizati­ons.

On the internatio­nal stage, the United Nations’ historical Political Declaratio­n on Universal Health Care included a commitment to strengthen efforts to address rare diseases, marking the first time that rare diseases have been included within a UN declaratio­n adopted by all 193 Member States, including the Philippine­s.

Along with the enactment of the Universal Health Care Act in the country, it is hoped that the delivery of services and government support for rare disease patients will improve as these laws take full effect in the coming years.

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