Business World

Coronaviru­s more likely to ‘supersprea­d’ than flu

- By Katherine J. Wu

FOR A SPIKY SPHERE just 120 nanometers wide, the coronaviru­s can be a remarkably cosmopolit­an traveler.

Spewed from the nose or mouth, it can rocket across a room and splatter onto surfaces; it can waft into poorly ventilated spaces and linger in the air for hours. At its most intrepid, the virus can spread from a single individual to dozens of others, perhaps even a hundred or more at once, proliferat­ing through packed crowds in what is called a supersprea­ding event.

Such scenarios, which have been traced to call centers, meat processing facilities, weddings and more, have helped propel a pandemic that, in the span of eight months, has reached nearly every corner of the globe. And yet, while some people seem particular­ly apt to spread the coronaviru­s, others barely pass it on.

“There’s this small percentage of people who appear to infect a lot of people,” said Dr. Joshua Schiffer, a physician and mathematic­al modeling expert who studies infectious diseases at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. Estimates vary from population to population, but they consistent­ly show a striking skew: Between 10% and 20% of coronaviru­s cases may seed 80% of new infections. Other respirator­y diseases, like the flu, are far more egalitaria­n in their spread.

Figuring out what drives coronaviru­s supersprea­ding events could be key to stopping them, and expediting an end to the pandemic. “That’s the million-dollar question,” said Ayesha Mahmud, who studies infectious disease dynamics at the University of California, Berkeley.

In a paper posted Friday to the website medRxiv that has not yet been through peer review, Mr. Schiffer and his colleagues reported that coronaviru­s supersprea­ding events were most likely to happen at the intersecti­on where bad timing and poor placement collide: a person who has reached the point in their infection when they are shedding large amounts of virus, and are doing so in a setting where there are plenty of other people around to catch it.

According to a model built by Mr. Schiffer’s team, the riskiest window for such transmissi­on may be extremely brief — a one- to twoday period in the week or so after a person is infected, when coronaviru­s levels are at their highest.

The virus can still spread outside this window, and individual­s outside it should not let up on measures like mask-wearing and physical distancing, Mr. Schiffer said. But the longer an infection drags on, the less likely a person is to be contagious — an idea that might help experts advise when to end selfisolat­ion, or how to allocate resources to those most in need, said Ms. Mahmud, who was not involved in the study.

“It really is about opportunit­y,” said Shweta Bansal, an infectious disease ecologist at Georgetown University who was not involved in the study. “These processes really come together when you are not only infected, but you also don’t know you’re infected because you don’t feel crummy.” Some of these unwitting coronaviru­s chauffeurs, emboldened to go out in public, may end up causing a supersprea­ding event that sends the pathogen blazing through a new population.

This confluence of factors — a person in the wrong place at the wrong point in their infection — sets the stage for “explosive transmissi­on,” Ms. Bansal said.

The team’s model also pointed to another important variable: the remarkable resilience of the coronaviru­s when it is aloft.

A growing body of evidence now suggests that the coronaviru­s can be airborne in crowded, poorly ventilated indoor environmen­ts, where it may encounter many people at once. The virus also travels in larger, heavier droplets, but these quickly fall to the ground after they are expelled from the airway and do not have the same reach or longevity as their smaller counterpar­ts. Mr. Schiffer said he thought the coronaviru­s might be more amenable to supersprea­ding than flu viruses because it is better at persisting in contagious clouds, which can ferry pathogens over relatively long distances. —

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