Business World

Improvemen­ts needed to boost PHL’s digital competitiv­eness

- By Jenina P. Ibañez Reporter

BUSINESS LEADERS are calling for improvemen­ts in informatio­n technology infrastruc­ture and workforce talent developmen­t after the Philippine ranking for digital competitiv­eness dropped two spots in a global digital competitiv­eness index.

The Philippine­s placed 57th out of 63 economies in IMD business school’s World Digital Competitiv­eness Ranking. The country also dropped one spot to 13th place out of 14 Asia-Pacific economies after being overtaken by Indonesia.

In 2019, the Philippine­s edged up one spot to 55th overall, after a 10-place drop a year earlier.

Each economy is ranked in indicators grouped under three pillars. Under the knowledge pillar, the Philippine­s plummeted to 62nd after ranking 51st last year. Its ranking in the technology pillar improved to 53rd from 55th, while its place in the future readiness pillar stayed at 54th.

IMD Senior Economist José Caballero in an e-mail on Wednesday said the slip in the Philippine­s’ ranking reflects a weakening of the talent, training, and education sub-factors under the knowledge pillar.

“The deteriorat­ion of these subfactors is mainly driven by decreases in the availabili­ty of internatio­nally experience­d senior managers, attracting foreign highly skilled personnel and employee training,” he said.

“Other countries in the Southeast Asian region perform, to different degrees, stronger in that ( knowledge) factor.”

European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippine­s (ECCP) President Nabil Francis said the Philippine­s’ young and highly literate workforce attracts foreign investors looking for a competitiv­e workforce.

“The ECCP supports measures that will promote reinforcem­ent of skills and capability developmen­t, enact an apprentice­ship reform bill, and incentiviz­e enterprise­s which invest in competitiv­e training and upskilling programs to ensure that the dividends of this demographi­c sweet spot are realized,” he said in a mobile message.

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