Business World

BoI approves incentives for electric vehicle tech start-up

- — Jenina P. Ibañez

THE Board of Investment­s (BoI) has approved start-up company CHRG Electric Vehicle Technologi­es Inc. as a new domestic producer of electric vehicle (EV) fast chargers and retrofit kits under the Investment Priorities Plan.

The government’s Investment Priorities Plan recognizes as eligible for tax incentives “innovation drivers” that facilitate the entry of new technologi­es and government-funded research and developmen­t into the market.

CHRG has invested P3.9 million in its production facility at the University of the Philippine­s-Diliman.

“Once it gains traction, the company has plans to move out of the capital region to be able to secure a more cost-effective location, with Bulacan or Rizal as targeted spots,” BoI said in a press release on Monday.

The university, which owns the Charging in a Minute technology, has allowed CHRG to produce the fast charger units while they finalize a licensing agreement for product sales.

CHRG will be able to produce 12 fast charger units and 236 retrofit kits each year.

“We look forward that homegrown technologi­es like this will play a major part in the developmen­t of electric vehicles in the country as we gradually begin the transition from fossilfuel­ed cars to environmen­tfriendly vehicles and aspire to be a manufactur­ing hub for the EV components,” Trade Undersecre­tary and BoI Managing Head Ceferino S. Rodolfo said.

The Trade department is also studying electric vehicle manufactur­ing as a potential competitiv­e advantage for the Philippine­s in a 15-country trade deal signed last year, Trade Assistant Secretary Allan B. Gepty said earlier this month.

Global manufactur­ers are also looking at exporting EVs to the Philippine market. Nissan Philippine­s, Inc. is planning to introduce its electric vehicle (EV), the Nissan Leaf, to the country this year.

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