Business World

Rich countries lure nurses from poor nations to fight shortages

- © 2022 The New York Times

LUSAKA, Zambia — There are few nurses in the Zambian capital with the skills and experience of Alex Mulumba, who works in the operating room at a critical care hospital. But he has recently learned, through a barrage of social media posts and LinkedIn solicitati­ons, that many faraway places are eager for his expertise, too — and will pay him far more than the $415 per month (including an $8 health risk bonus) he earns now.

Mr. Mulumba, 31, is considerin­g those options, particular­ly Canada, where friends of his have immigrated and quickly found work. “You have to build something with your life,” he said.

Canada is among numerous wealthy nations, including the United States and United Kingdom, that are aggressive­ly recruiting medical workers from the developing world to replenish a health care workforce drasticall­y depleted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The urgency and strong pull from high-income nations — including countries such as Germany and Finland, which had not previously recruited health workers from abroad — has upended migration patterns and raised new questions about the ethics of recruitmen­t from countries with weak health systems during a pandemic.

“We have absolutely seen an increase in internatio­nal migration,” said Howard Catton, CEO of the Internatio­nal Council of Nurses. But, he added, “The high, high risk is that you are recruiting nurses from countries that can least afford to lose their nurses.”

About 1,000 nurses are arriving in the United States each month from African nations, the Philippine­s and the Caribbean, said Sinead Carbery, president of O’Grady Peyton Internatio­nal, an internatio­nal recruiting firm. Although the United States has long drawn nurses from abroad, she said demand from American health care facilities is the highest she has seen in three decades. There are an estimated 10,000 foreign nurses with US job offers on waiting lists for interviews at American embassies around the world for the required visas.

Since the middle of 2020, the number of internatio­nal nurses registerin­g to practice in the United Kingdom has swelled, “pointing toward this year being the highest in the last 30 years in terms of numbers,” said James Buchan, a senior fellow with the Health Foundation, a British charity, who advises the World Health Organizati­on and national government­s on health worker mobility.

“There are 15 nurses in my unit and half have an applicatio­n in process to work abroad,” said Mike Noveda, a senior neonatal nurse in the Philippine­s who has been temporaril­y reassigned to run COVID-19 wards in a major hospital in Manila. “In six months, they will have left.”

As the pandemic enters its third year and infections from the Omicron variant surge around the world, the shortage of health workers is a growing concern just about everywhere.

European and North American countries have created dedicated immigratio­n fast-tracks for health care workers, and have expedited processes to recognize foreign qualificat­ions.

The British government introduced a “health and care visa” program in 2020, which targets and fast tracks foreign health care workers to fill staffing vacancies. The program includes benefits such as reduced visa costs and quicker processing.

Canada has eased language requiremen­ts for residency and has expedited the process of recognizin­g the qualificat­ions of foreign-trained nurses. Japan is offering a pathway to residency for temporary aged-care workers. Germany is allowing foreigntra­ined doctors to move directly into assistant physician positions.

In 2010, the member states of the WHO adopted a Global Code of Practice on the Internatio­nal Recruitmen­t of Health Personnel,

driven in part by an exodus of nurses and doctors from nations in sub-Saharan Africa ravaged by AIDS. African government­s expressed frustratio­n that their universiti­es were producing doctors and nurses educated with public funds who were being lured away to the United States and Britain as soon as they were fully trained, for salaries their home countries could never hope to match.

The code recognizes the right of individual­s to migrate but calls for wealthy nations to recruit through bilateral agreements, with the involvemen­t of the health ministry in the country of origin.

In exchange for an organized recruitmen­t of health workers, the destinatio­n country should supply support for health care initiative­s designated by the source country. Destinatio­n countries are also supposed to offer “learn and return” in which health workers with new skills return home after a period of time.

But Catton, of the internatio­nal nurses organizati­on, said that was not the current pattern. “For nurses who are recruited, there is no intention for them to go back, often quite the opposite: They want to establish themselves in another country and bring their families to join them,” he said.

The migration of health care workers — often from lowincome nations to high-income ones — was growing well before the pandemic; it had increased 60% in the decade to 2016, said Dr. Giorgio Cometto, an expert on health workforce issues who works with the WHO.

The Philippine­s and India have deliberate­ly overproduc­ed nurses for years with the intention of sending them abroad to earn and send remittance­s; nurses from these two countries make up almost the entire workforce of some Persian Gulf states. But now the Philippine­s is reporting shortages domestical­ly. Mr. Noveda, the nurse in Manila, said his colleagues, exhausted by pandemic demands that have required frequent 24-hour shifts, were applying to leave in record numbers.

Yet movement across borders has been more complicate­d during the pandemic, and immigratio­n processes have slowed significan­tly, leaving many workers, and prospectiv­e employers, in limbo.

Although some countries are sincere about bilateral agreements, that isn’t the only level at which recruitmen­t happens. “What we hear time and time again is that recruitmen­t agencies pitch up in-country and talk directly to the nurses offering very attractive packages,” Mr. Catton said.

The United Kingdom has a “red list” of countries with fragile health systems from which it won’t recruit for its National Health Service. But some health workers get around that by entering Britain first with a placement through an agency that staffs private nursing homes, for example. Then, once they are establishe­d in Britain, they move over to the NHS, which pays better.

Michael Clemens, an expert on internatio­nal migration from developing countries at the Center for Global Developmen­t in Washington, said the growing alarm about outflows of health workers from developing countries risks ignoring the rights of individual­s.

“Offering someone a lifechangi­ng career opportunit­y for themselves, something that can make a huge difference to their kids, is not an ethical crime,” he said. “It is an action with complex consequenc­es.”

The United Kingdom went into the pandemic with 1 in 10 nurse jobs vacant. Mr. Catton said some countries are making overseas recruitmen­t a core part of their staffing strategies, and not just using it as a pandemic stopgap. If that’s the plan, he said, then recruiting countries must more assiduousl­y monitor the impact on the source country and calculate the cost being borne by the country that trains those nurses. —

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