
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God


BEING a disciple means having the conviction to follow a shepherd, like the frail sheep entrusting themselves to the One who reveals Himself as the Good Shepherd.

Imagine a flock of sheep following its shepherd. Among them, somewhere in the end, is one limping and dragging its feet slowly with much difficulty. The rest are running behind the shepherd, but one, though obedient, is always the last in the herd.

The shepherd calls them, and the rest run faithfully to him, but the last sheep arrived much later than the others. Jesus knows the desires and frailties of each sheep—each of them. He knows the uniqueness of each of his sheep.

Saint Therese said that if you want to walk in the path of the helpless sheep, you do not have to force yourself to be like an eagle. By imitating the attitude of the helpless sheep, you can be the highest model of sanctity—the one whose only desire is to be a servant-slave of the Lord.

The Blessed Virgin Mary lived perfectly the likeness of the helpless sheep. She believes that with God, everything is possible. Her divine “yes” is like an “abyss of helplessne­ss but also an abyss of trust in God.”

When one begins to imitate Mary, realizing her limitation­s and weaknesses but trustfully yearn to be the Good Shepherd, one will be able to follow God with much perseveran­ce. He shepherds each one, even the lost and the least. For every person is unique. And God loves everyone.—Sr. Fatima Zarsuel, SITH, Mother of Perpetual Help

“Fiat” is the beginning of all graces poured on mankind. “Behold, I am the Handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word.”

Mary becomes the mother of Jesus. She gave herself entirely to God and to the work of her Son. This world, a place of selfgratif­ication, is rightly called a valley of tears.

But we can turn to Mary who is a mother to every soul in need of enlightenm­ent. “The angel revealed to Saint Bridget: “As a rose grows among thorns, so did the Blessed Virgin grows among tribulatio­ns.”

In the heart of Mary echoes all that Jesus suffered in body and soul and her willingnes­s to share in her Son’s redeeming sacrifice.

Indeed, she united her own motherly suffering to his priestly sacrifice because Mary’s hope at the foot of the Cross shined forth more radiantly than the darkness that reigns in many hearts.

The hope of the Church and humanity is born in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Thus, we became the children of Mary. How then can she leave us on our own to ask God for favors? We can rely on her intercesso­ry prayers.

As a mother, she knows the sufferings of her children. She stretches out her hand to reach out to those who are in great need to help. We must trust in her powerful intercessi­on because her Son Jesus entrusted us to her maternal love that even in the most painful moments in life, we know we have a mother to rely on. Being the mother of Jesus, Mary embraced humanity as her beloved children.

Let us entrust ourselves always to the mother of God. She will never abandon us. She will be with us while we are on our journey to eternity. We have a great hope that she will one day welcome us in paradise.—Sr. Fatima Zarsuel, SITH

Corazon Damo-Santiago

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