

- By Corazon Damo-Santiago Damo-Santiago is a former regional director of the Department of Education National Capital Region. She is currently a faculty member of Mater Redemptori­s Collegium in Calauan, Laguna, and of Mater Redemptori­s College in San Jose

The star, the bright light that heralded Jesus’ coming, is the light that has risen “on the people who sit in darkness... in a land overshadow­ed by death” (Matthew 4:16).

The light has continued to shine on all men since then. God explicitly said: “i am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (Matthew 8:12).

but the colorful and glimmering light of the materialis­tic world now overpowers the light of tabernacle­s and altars. Too, the burning issues of our time—abortion, euthanasia, divorce, lust for power and money, among others, have dimmed the lights in our hearts and minds.

at the start of 2019, let us pray for the light to help us discern what we cannot see in darkness and open possibilit­ies for a God-filled life.

May the star that guided the kings to Jesus, direct us in genuine attentiven­ess as children of God.

the kings a BRIGHT distinct star appeared on the firmament. The Magis who probably belonged to a caste of Zoroastria­nism knew that the King of the Jews was born.

in eastern Christiani­ty, especially Syriac churches, the Magi, from the word magupati, is composed of 12 persons. Considered wise and held in high esteem, they interpret the pattern of stars. They are called astrologer­s in modern times.

The Magis decided to pay homage to the newborn King. Christian tradition acknowledg­ed the three kings: balthazar of Tarse and egypt, Gaspar of Sheba, and Melchor of arabia.

The gospels are silent about how many kings journeyed to see the newborn King. The nativity scene can only be read in the gospel of Matthew without details (Matthew 2:1-2), how many they were, their gifts and day of arrival.

The journey EACH of the Magi followed the bright star and met during the journey since they come from different kingdoms. They met during the journey, became friends and traveled together over desserts and mountains, waded the waters of Chaldea and Syria and crossed the Jordan river to reach Jerusalem. They asked King herod where to find Jesus of bethlehem.

Greatly troubled, the king assembled his chief priests and scribes who confirmed what had been prophesied. he told the kings to inform him about Jesus should they find him so that he, too, can pay homage. For Jesus is a threat to his kingship and he intended to kill him.

The kings saw the holy Family but not on Christmas Day but after the 40th day,

which is on February 2. The Wiseman saw Jesus not in the animal shed but with his parents, “a family living in a normal house in bethlehem or Judea” (

They took another route home in compliance to an angel’s advice. Then an angel appeared to Joseph to flee with Jesus and Mary to egypt (Matthew 2:13-14), a journey of about 100 miles.

Queen helena found the bodies of the three kings in her pilgrimage to Palestine. She brought them to Constantin­ople and laid them in Saint Sophia Church, according to Paul William roberts in Journey of the Magi.

The gifts

SINCE there were three kings, the gifts were assumed to be their personal gifts.

The prophecy explicitly said that the newborn baby is a King. Since gold is a measure of wealth associated with nobility, King Melchor gifted Jesus with gold. The walls of holy places like tabernacle­s and the altar was completely overlaid with gold (1 Kings 6:20-22).

King Gaspar offered frankincen­se, an aromatic gum, burned during ceremonial worships. The only incense allowed during rituals to honor the newborn King is frankincen­se. balthazar’s offering was myrrh, a costly perfume. it is mixed with wine and given to criminals condemned to die on the cross to ease suffering.

The gifts were prophetic. Gold praised Jesus’ divinity, frankincen­se acknowledg­ed his humanity and myrrh foretold his sufferings.

Fr. ray ryland wrote that some of the gifts must have been used to fund the holy family’s journey to egypt, and the balance was used to construct Joseph’s carpenter shop. and the incense must have been offered by Jesus at the temple when he was 12 years old.

 ?? WiKiMeDia CoMMonS ?? THe Three Magi, byzantine mosaic c. 565, basilica of sant’Apollinare Nuovo, ravenna, italy (restored during the 18th century). As here byzantine art usually depicts the Magi in persian clothing, which includes breeches, capes and phrygian caps.
WiKiMeDia CoMMonS THe Three Magi, byzantine mosaic c. 565, basilica of sant’Apollinare Nuovo, ravenna, italy (restored during the 18th century). As here byzantine art usually depicts the Magi in persian clothing, which includes breeches, capes and phrygian caps.

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