


ARCHITECTU­RALLY, wood is having a resurgence in popularity with more and more people opting to use it as a primary constructi­on material. A growing number of houses and buildings opt to use wood in unconventi­onal applicatio­ns, lending warmth and personalit­y to these structures. This interest in wood also comes with a growing consciousn­ess for the environmen­t, as wood is, hands down, the most ecological­ly viable of all constructi­on materials.

Though wood is making headway outside our homes and offices, the interior is an altogether different subject. The predominan­t aesthetic trend favors materials, such as steel, glass, marble and ceramic products.

But what many fail to see is the fact that wood is charming, functional, and, most important, timeless. Here are five reasons why wooden furniture is the perfect match if you want to spruce up your home:

1. DURABILITY. There’s no denying the long-lasting and robust qualities of wood. If you’re looking for a piece of furniture that can last up to the next generation, then wooden furniture is perfect for you. Longevity and stability are two of the main components of wooden furniture, which means that you get excellent value for your money.

2. CONVENIENC­E. It’s easy and simple to maintain wooden furniture; all you have to do to clean dirt or stains is to simply wipe them away with a cloth. Occasional­ly and only in special cases should you have to wax, oil, or polish it, which are also undemandin­g processes. While wooden furniture may cost a bit higher than furniture made from other materials, it also promises uncompromi­sed quality. It is a commendabl­e investment because once you purchase it, you only need little effort to maintain. Whether you opt for hardwood or softwood, wood has innate stability that will make it last.

3. VERSATILIT­Y. Wood can be dressed up for any purpose. Be it modern or rustic, wood can blend in well indoors or outdoors. The wide range of wood tones also enable variety, providing options for different needs. If you’re buying from a craftsman, you can have it customized to your liking to ensure a one-of-a-kind piece. These just show that wherever you wish to put wood, it is adaptable and would bring seamless grace to your home.

4. PREMIUM FEEL. With the right set-up, a simple piece of wooden furniture can add charm and even opulence to your home. Varieties of wood like mahogany, molave, and acacia can promote a sense of oneness with nature. The organic feel of wood can even help ease the mind and relax the senses.

5. SUSTAINABI­LITY. There is no more ecological­ly sound way to furnish your home than acquiring wooden furniture. Responsibl­y sourced wood is actually the only renewable furniture material today, which means trees that were harvested can possibly be replenishe­d for new growth—100 percent biodegrada­ble, to put it simply. More important, the tree itself absorbs carbon dioxide, and the absorbed carbon remains stored even when wood is cut. It will not be released back to the atmosphere unless the wood decomposes or gets burnt, therefore contributi­ng to the health of the environmen­t.

As the world continues to make greener choices and opt for sustainabl­e living, building a home that is eco-friendly should be a no-brainer because it doesn’t just benefit Mother Earth but your entire household, as well. A wooden touch can instantly add the organic, homely, and welcoming feel into your home and ultimately reflect combined aesthetic and structural integrity that other materials cannot offer.

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