
Locsin rejects bid to bring arbitraL ruLing to u.n.

- BY RECTO MERCENE @rectomerce­ne

FOREIGN Affairs Secretary Teodoro L. Locsin Jr. has rejected the notion of having the Philippine­s go back to the United Nations to relitigate the Hague arbitral award, saying those making the suggestion may be on the payroll of Chinese intelligen­ce, “but paid peanuts.”

In a tweet on Tuesday, the outspoken DFA chief said, “The Arbitral Award is money in our pocket. I have the strongest assurance on both points from Western intelligen­ce.”

At the same time, he denied allegation­s that former Supreme Court Justice Francis Jardeleza had suggested the move, as cited in some reports.

“And it is a lie that former SC Justice Francis Jardeleza, my immediate boss in ACCRALAW on San Miguel matters, suggested it,”Locsin said. The

Harvard-educated lawyer had once worked for one of the country’s biggest law firms, which produced several legal eagles including lawmakers Edgardo J. Angara, Franklin M. Drilon and Richard J. Gordon.

“I consult him [Jardeleza] on South China Sea because he is the embodiment of patriotism and integrity. Period. I am sorely tempted to take out a contract on traitors,” Locsin posted in his official Twitter account.

In July 12, 2016, a Manila daily (the Philippine Daily Inquirer) reported that “Supreme Court Associate Justice Francis Jardeleza, who led the Philippine legal team to the United Nations arbitratio­n case over the South China Sea dispute, said the ruling favoring the Philippine­s ‘is final and binding’.”

He said the Arbitral Tribunal ruled in favor of almost all of the submission­s of the Philippine­s. These include the following:

■ China’s nine-dash-line is contrary to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos) and has no basis in law;

■ Scarboroug­h shoal and five other reefs named in Manila’s submission are rocks that generate no entitlemen­ts to an exclusive economic zone or continenta­l shelf;

■ Scarboroug­h shoal has been a traditiona­l fishing ground for fishermen of many nationalit­ies;

■ Mischief Reef, Second Thomas Shoal and Reed Bank are submerged at high tide, form part of the exclusive economic zone and continenta­l shelf of the Philippine­s, and are not overlapped by any possible entitlemen­t of China;

■ Reed Bank is an entirely submerged reef formation that cannot give rise to maritime entitlemen­ts;

■ China violated its obligation­s under Unclos to protect and preserve the marine environmen­t; and,

■ China has engaged in the constructi­on of artificial islands, installati­ons and structures at Mischief Reef without the authorizat­ion of the Philippine­s.

Although PDI had quoted Jardeleza saying in 2016 that the Haguebased tribunal’s judgment is “final and binding,” Manila Times columnist Rigoberto Tiglao said recently that Jardeleza is proposing that the July 2016 ruling of the Hague arbitral panel be brought before the UN, as reported by his newspaper two days before.

“Strangely the only one to do so,” he added.

Tiglao said Jardeleza in effect echoed the insistence of former foreign affairs secretary Albert del Rosario that the Duterte government should also do the same.

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