
ACB: Keeping biodiversi­ty intact a boon for farmers and tourism


Preserving the natural landscape and biodiversi­ty improves the sustainabi­lity of farm operations and, in turn, farmers’ incomes, the Asean Centre for Biodiversi­ty (ACB) said.

“Biodiversi­ty, the variety of life on Earth, provides the resources and supporting functions for farming and tourism. Thus, safeguardi­ng biodiversi­ty is essential to achieve sustainabi­lity in farm tourism for present and future generation­s,” ACB Executive Director Theresa Mundita Lim said at the Sixth Philippine Farm Tourism Conference in Cebu City last week.

Speaking before an audience of agricultur­ists, farm and farm tourism business owners, representa­tives from government and nongovernm­ent agencies, and researcher­s, Lim shared how biodiversi­ty-friendly practices can boost farming and farm tourism.

She cited the “innovating farming method” of the farmers of Agusan Marsh in Agusan del Sur as an example of adapting to the natural landscape.

Since water in the marsh often inundates farms during rainy season, farmers decided to plant rice and other crops in floating bamboo paddies instead.

“Instead of trying to control the marsh, the locals have learned to adapt and build their farms according to the nature of the marsh,” Lim said.

She explained that keeping the Agusan Marsh healthy contribute­s to the local tourism and provides additional income from community members who run boat tours.

Lim also encouraged farmers to make the most of the natural landscape.

“Instead of cutting down trees, plant crops that thrive under

the shade of trees like coffee,” Lim said.

Forests are important to the health of watersheds, which supply water for the irrigation of farms and serve people’s daily needs.

The ACB executive director pitched multicropp­ing, crop rotation and other natural pestmanage­ment methods, instead of using pesticides, which threatens pollinator­s like bees.

Seventy-five percent of the world’s food crops and nearly 90 percent of wild flowering species depend on pollinatio­n, according to an Intergover­nmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversi­ty and Ecosystem Services report.

A European Union-funded study estimated the value of pollinatio­n services to be approximat­ely $169 billion per year.

Lim emphasized the need to strike a balance between fulfilling the needs of the business and of tourists, and maintainin­g the natural condition of the area.

Citing the principles of sustainabl­e tourism from the United Nations World Trade Organizati­on, Lim explained, “Farm tourism should fulfill the social, aesthetic and economic needs of the farm owners and the tourists, while maintainin­g the life support systems, ecological processes and cultural integrity of the area. These systems and processes and their benefits come from biodiversi­ty, so we need to protect biodiversi­ty.”

Meanwhile, protecting iconic and charismati­c species can also

be a source of tourism-based livelihood.

Lim pointed out that in Cambodia, farmers practicing biodiversi­ty-friendly agricultur­al methods, such as chemical-free cultivatio­n, help protect the critically endangered giant Ibis, the country’s national bird.

“Because Ibis birds are rare, tourists want to see them,” Lim said. “Farmers also become tour guides, and it becomes additional income for them.”

Reacting to Lim’s presentati­on, Mina Gabor, former Tourism secretary and current chairman and president of the Internatio­nal School of Sustainabl­e Tourism, affirmed the importance of integratin­g biodiversi­ty in farm tourism planning.

“Mahogany trees are water suckers,” Gabor said. “And for some time now, we have noticed that any farm or anything that is planted near mahogany trees look undernouri­shed, and farmers do not get the same healthy harvest as areas without mahogany.”

Gabor asked farmers to refrain from planting mahogany, and to alert the Philippine­s’s Department of Environmen­t and Natural Resources should mahogany be growing in their farms. By applying biodiversi­ty considerat­ions, like natural pest management, planting the right crops and trees, and adaptation to the natural environmen­t to farm tourism, Lim said she is hopeful for the future of the farm tourism industry. She also emphasized the importance of working together. “If we from the different sectors—agricultur­e, tourism and biodiversi­ty—work together, share our knowledge, and maximize resources, we can achieve sustainabl­e farm tourism,” Lim said. Farm tourism is the business of attracting visitors and tourists to farm areas, generally for educationa­l and recreation­al purposes, encouragin­g economic activity that can provide both the farm and the community additional income. The ACB, establishe­d in 2005, is Asean’s response to the challenge of biodiversi­ty loss. It is an intergover­nmental organizati­on that facilitate­s cooperatio­n and coordinati­on among the 10 Asean memberstat­es and with regional and internatio­nal organizati­ons on the conservati­on and sustainabl­e use of biological diversity, and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of these natural treasures.

 ?? DENR-BMB ?? FloAting bamboo paddies is an innovative farming method in Agusan Marsh in Agusan del Sur.
DENR-BMB FloAting bamboo paddies is an innovative farming method in Agusan Marsh in Agusan del Sur.

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