
IATF-EID relaxes quarantine rules on religious and sports gatherings, salons, barber shops


MORE people could now participat­e in religious gatherings and sports activities after the Inter-agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) relaxed its existing quarantine measures.

At an online news briefing on Friday, Presidenti­al spokesman Harry Roque said the IATF issued its Resolution 51, Series of 2020 increasing the possible maximum number of participan­ts in religious gatherings in areas under general community quarantine (GCQ).

Prior to the new issuance, participan­ts of such activities were limited to a maximum of 10 persons.

“Religious gatherings in areas under general community quarantine shall be allowed up to 10 percent of the seating capacity, or up to 10 persons, whichever is higher, after 10 July, 2020,” the three-page IATF resolution said.

However, Roque said the following conditions must be complied with before this is allowed: it has the approval of the concerned local government unit; and minimum public health standards such as social distancing and wearing of face masks should be enforced in said events. Allowed training

ROQUE said the IATF also approved the Joint Administra­tive Order of the Philippine Sports Commission, Games and Amusement Board, Department of Health Joint Administra­tive Order for “health enhancing physical activities.”

Roque said this will allow physical “conditioni­ng” of basketball and football players.

He said the issuance of the guidelines was in response to the request of the Philippine Basketball Associatio­n (PBA) and the local football associatio­ns.

Relaxed measures

IN a related developmen­t, Roque said the IATF allowed barbershop­s and salons to resume their other services other than hair cutting.

IATF instructed the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to issue the necessary guidelines for this before it could be implemente­d.

It also granted the request of travel agencies, to reopen their operations on the condition they will still use only a skeletal work force.

Their services is also limited “administra­tive works” such as processing of refunds and payments to suppliers.

IATF Resolution 51 was approved on Thursday.

Samuel P. Medenilla

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