
Actors share their expertise online


online, going into the room was just as scary as doing an entrance for a one-woman play, maybe even worse! but i like ‘scary,’” she shared after her first session.

Gil clarified that what she is offering is not an acting workshop but a special syllabus that she designed and created, which will delve into tools and concepts of acting, finding inspiratio­n through the art of acting, the business of acting, alignment of motives and more.

When he learned about this masterclas­s, respected writer Ricky lee said, “Genuine artists are generous. they cannot help it because their talents spill over. that is why it’s no surprise when they offer to mentor—like Cherie Gil, an actress whose mystery never leaves.”

Another prized actor who is also currently holding online acting classes is Aliw Hall of Famer and recent Philippine live entertainm­ent, Arts and Festivals awardee Roeder Camañag, who also happens to be the artistic director of Artist Playground.

“i learn as much as i teach, and that what keeps me going. Conducting the workshop online presents some new challenges, but the intention to share whatever learnings i have amassed all these years as an actor remains as potent. Also, young people nowadays are mostly tech-savvy and they enjoy these sessions via online,” he explained.

Camañag’s syllabus is interestin­g as he incorporat­es meditation and exploratio­n of one’s energies into his sessions and teachings on acting.

“there should be symmetry between what is within and what comes out, and there should always be a connection,” he shared, adding, “the students discover ways to be in touch with their senses, too, and this helps them to grasp more, to be more confident, and to absorb better.”

Ang lee’s favorite Filipino actor Angeli bayani has just wrapped her first online acting workshop, where she also invited her actor-friends as resource speakers for the 10 sessions she conducted.

“the most important thing i learned is that if you really care about sharing your skills and experience­s, the medium does not really matter. some say that it is limiting to act through Zoom but we found ways, and it proves that limitation­s only exist in the mind if the heart really wants to achieve something.”

she added, “My best take away is that some of my students have become my friends—which is kind of ironic, considerin­g that i have given many workshops in person but i never became instant friends with any of my former students. i cannot wait to start my second batch.”

i recall a professor-friend who once told me, “We really never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.” Cherie Gil, Roeder Camañag, and Angeli bayani are wonderful actors because they are generous actors, too. they continue to pass on their knowledge, expertise and passion to those who want to listen, absorb and learn from the many years of their respective journeys as thespians. n

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