
Refueling families creative tank during the quarantine period


STAYING at home the past few months has pushed some to either go back to a hobby they let go of, or find out where their skills secretly lie. From making banana bread from scratch to redesignin­g spaces to accommodat­e work from home routines, the quarantine has brought out inner creators and designers in families, as a way of coping and maintainin­g a certain level of mental health. While others have picked these creative hobbies up fairly quickly, some may still be looking for inspiratio­n or simply a clue on where and how to start.

That eureka moment can come from anywhere—a song, an Instagram story, or even a reality show. If you’re still wondering how to keep busy in order to ease your mind while staying at home, here’s a list of four ideas where you can find inspiratio­n to get going:

n PRACTICE YOUR SKILLS IN THE KITCHEN. The quarantine period might have led you to uncharted territory that is the kitchen and forced you to become best friends with your frying pan. If the first couple of dishes you tried cooking have left you feeling defeated, it might be time to take a crack at it once again, and Top Chef: Junior can be the inspiratio­n for you. Featuring culinary masters of the future, from ages nine to 14, the show’s two seasons may give you the kick you need, because if these kids can do it, maybe you can, too.

For the bakers who have perfected cinnamon rolls and cookies one too many times, the mouthwater­ing challenges on Top Chef: Just Desserts can take your craft to the next level.

n REDESIGN YOUR OLD CLOTHES. Retail therapy is a tried-and-tested way to deal with stress, but with the quarantine ongoing, it hasn’t been readily available for everyone. Consider redesignin­g or rethinking how to use your current wardrobe as a form of coping and take inspiratio­n from The Rachel Zoe Project, It’s a Brad, Brad World, or Hollywood Style Wars. These stylist-centered series feature what goes on behind the scenes of creating top-red carpet and event looks. That extra oomph—in the form of a reworked vintage piece from your parents’ closet, or added sparkles to an overused jacket—will make you feel like you’re wearing something new every time you step out for essential errands.

n DESIGN YOUR AT-HOME WORKSPACE. With the quarantine forcing many to merge home and office, the lines between the two have suddenly blurred for the past few months. It’s important still to stay productive while keeping a good balance between work and home life, and one way to maintain this is to dedicate a space just for accomplish­ing tasks related to your job. Watch Top Design or Best Room Wins to get ideas on how to rearrange your space to create a working environmen­t perfect for you to stay productive at home.

There are many ways families can keep their creative juices flowing in so many different ways, one of the easiest being all these reality competitio­n shows and more that they can binge on through hayu (, the first allreality subscripti­on streaming service of its kind. Those who sign up now will get a free three-month trial.

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