
Regulatory compliance ecosystem

- Joel L. Tan-torres

Eighth of a series

There are various measures in bringing about transforma­tion in the way government can enhance the regulatory compliance ecosystem. Over the years, the following measures have been undertaken: capacity building and training of government employees, enlightene­d leadership, incentiviz­ing good performanc­e of bureaucrat­s, sanctionin­g below par performanc­e, organizati­onal structure changes, designatin­g champions, oversight by civil society, streamlini­ng of procedures, and anti-red tape legislatio­n. To effect transforma­tion in the delivery of public service towards enhancing the regulatory system, the synergy and combinatio­n of these various measures are required.

Digital transforma­tion is an initiative that recently has been focused on in the bureaucrac­y. Digital or e- government presents promise towards improving the delivery of public service. In the Philippine­s, it is only recently that the apparent champion for e- government was anointed. The Department of Informatio­n and Communicat­ions Technology was just created in 2016 with the enactment of Republic Act 10844. The DICT was tasked to be the lead agency for governing and overseeing ICT policies and programs, including the framework for 3- government­s. In the past, every change of administra­tion results in a change in the policies in steering E- government implementa­tion. The establishm­ent of the DICT is a policy milestone in the evolution of E- government in the Philippine­s. The DICT now can be the anointed institutio­n to move forward and mainstream E- Government innovation­s. Is DICT up to the challenge? One of its first acts upon its creation was the formulatio­n of the E-Government Masterplan 2022. The EGMP 2022 is the road map for a harmonized government informatio­n system. This plan presents the direction for developmen­t of the country’s e- Government systems through the digital transforma­tion of basic services such as public health, basic education, and ease of doing business. The services that cut across the whole of government are expected to result in a more cost effective and efficient public services. E - government can increase accessibil­ity of public services to citizens, specifical­ly in terms of availabili­ty, speed, cost, and convenienc­e. Businesses can also be provided with more support for easier investment, establishm­ent, operation, and scaling- up. The Philippine­s has also made inroads in United Nations as published the United Nations E- Government Survey (Survey). This Survey is leading benchmarki­ng reference on egovernmen­t and a policy tool for decision makers. This was started in 2001 and is a bi-annual report on E- government informatio­n on 193 countries. The Philippine­s did well in the past two most recent Surveys, being ranked 71 in the 2018 Survey and improving to 57 in the 2020 Survey.

In the DICT’S task of moving forward the ICT and e- Government initiative­s, it is supported by three attached agencies, the National Privacy Commission, the National Telecommun­ications Commission, and the Cyber Crime Investigat­ion and Coordinati­on Center.

The tagline of DICT in pursuing the E-government initiative­s is “One digitized government Philippine­s.” Are we now on track in attaining this?

To be continued

Joel L. Tan-torres is the Dean of the University of the Philippine­s Virata School of Business. Previously, he was the Commission­er of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the chairman of the Profession­al Regulatory Board of Accountanc­y and partner of Reyes Tacandong & Co. and the Sycip Gorres and Velayo & Co. He is a Certified Public Accountant who garnered No. 1 in the CPA Board Examinatio­n of May 1979.

This column accepts contributi­ons from the business community. Articles not exceeding 600 words can be e-mailed to boa.secretaria­

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