
When you’re younger than the people you manage

- By Jodi Glickman Jodi Glickman is the CEO of Great on the Job.

Hello, new manager! Welcome to the ranks: More than 60 percent of millennial­s and nearly half of Generation Z employees say that they are people managers. Before we get into the nitty- gritty, take a moment to bask in your glory. Adding the word “manager” to your title might feel intimidati­ng at first, but you’re here. You did it.

Now take a deep breath, because, the real work is just beginning. You may be designated as a “manager,” but what you’re really aiming for is to lead your team. What’s the difference? A manager is responsibl­e for delegating tasks and assignment­s. While this will be one part of your role, the other part will be leading: bringing out the best in people, and inspiring them to do great work, make sound decisions and work toward a mutual goal.

Among your first challenges will probably be managing and leading someone older than you. How do you engender their trust, respect and admiration when there’s a five- or maybe even a 10-year (or more) age difference?

Here are four key strategies you can put into practice:

Check your insecuriti­es

A comm on fear of young managers and leaders is: My colleagues will not take me seriously. You may find that this manifests in many different ways: “I look too young.” “I sound too young.” “Maybe I act too young.” “How will my subordinat­es ever respect me?”

To get out of your head the next time you have these thoughts, try looking for real-world evidence that supports them. Then, look for evidence that suggests the opposite. Ask yourself: Would I have been promoted into this role if my supervisor, and the company, thought that I was incompeten­t? Probably not. You may find that your colleagues don’t actually attribute competence or high performanc­e to age. (And if they do, that’s ageism, and you should probably tell human resources or your manager.)

No matter what you find, remind yourself of this often: You belong in the seat you're occupying.

Get everyone on the same page

People get picked to be managers because of their talents and people skills. This could be your ability to make sound decisions, bring different people together, influence others and stay calm during tough moments.

When you start out, engage with your older direct reports in one- onone meetings. Talk about your vision and goals for the team. Remember that they come with experience, and their experience can help you refine your ideas. Leave space for two-way dialogue and stay open to feedback.

Be confident enough to be vulnerable

If you are feeling unsure or insecure while leading, your team will be able to read that energy and may become unsure of your leadership too. That’s why it’s important to practice confidence when speaking to your team: Make eye contact, use gestures to accentuate your point, stand up straight and maintain strong body language. Practicing your delivery method will help you speak with conviction, be clear about your intentions and show up as the leader you aspire to be.

At the same time, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and relate to your team during challengin­g projects or conversati­ons. You’re not expected to walk in and be an expert on day one. You are, however, expected to be 100% honest— about the challenges your team is facing, the strategies you are contemplat­ing and your willingnes­s to listen and learn from those around you.

When you share your ideas, leave room for your team to (honestly) reflect on them. Let them know that you value their opinions and experience­s. You could say, “This is what I had in mind, and here’s why...what do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Is there anything we’re missing here? I’d love your thoughts and feedback.”

Especially when it comes to older direct reports who may have been in the organizati­on for a longer period than you, solicit their opinions on what has worked in the past, what their current working style is and where changes are needed. Ask how you can best support them. Say, “I know we started this new workflow last month. I wanted to know how you feel about it and take some time to review it.”

When you do that, it’s important to be receptive to their ideas and views. Be transparen­t about your desire to establish a true partnershi­p. Your goal should be to bring out the best in one another.

Be generous

Lead ers who are generous— with their time, energy and resources, with sharing credit and giving meaningful feedback— are the ones who earn respect and admiration from their teams. Generosity at its most basic is this: Walking in every day and asking yourself, “How can I make my teams’ lives better or easier?” “What can I do to help them do their jobs successful­ly?” “How can I be an advocate for their ideas or support their initiative­s?” “How can I showcase what they do right and have their back when things go wrong?”

Recognize that your older employees may be at a different life stage than you. Spend time to learn more about them, get a deeper sense of any barriers they may be facing and how can you try to remove them, or at the very least, be creative in coming up with workaround­s or ways to collaborat­e. For instance, you may find that one employee has to home-school their child during work hours. What can you do to support them?

Being empathetic is critical to being a good leader. Do your best to accommodat­e different needs.

Great leaders, of all ages, show strength and humility, demonstrat­e a willingnes­s to learn and also an ability to make decisions. Nothing about your age predetermi­nes your success as a leader. Rely on your transferab­le skills, build a solid team and remember to set stereotype­s aside as you venture into your new role.

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