
‘I survived Covid-19 and how I pushed my recovery’

- By Gemma B. Cruz

Iam sharing my experience with Covid-19 to raise awareness and to guide others on how to survive this invisible but deadly virus. With the right medicines, basic protocols, love and support from family and friends, you will be able to win this fight.

The symptoms of sore throat and mild cough manifested on Day One. I immediatel­y isolated myself from my family by staying in one bedroom and reported to Nasser, my physician husband, who gave me antibiotic­s and an oral antiseptic spray. after five days, I requested for an antigen test. The test turned out to be positive and right there and then, I had my X-ray, blood and RT-PCR tests. The RT-PCR result came out after three days and I was positive!

That day, a monday, was the start of my ordeal as all the symptoms manifested—high fever, no sense of smell and taste, oxygen pulse was less than 95, coughing was like a mirror being broken in my lungs. It was the worst thing that can happen but I endured all the pain through prayers. I took all kinds of medicines given to me—the Chinese capsules, high doses of antibiotic­s, steam inhalation, vitamins, inhaler, essential oils, and food supplement­s.

I did the steam inhalation. I almost burned by face because of the hot steam but I endured, persevered and prevailed. Those essential oils helped me ease the difficulty of coughing and breathing. The food supplement­s which I know were helpful (and expensive) make me think that it complement­ed the little appetite that I had.

Home quarantine

That same day the RT-PCR result came out, the local government contacted us. my husband, children, and maid were put in quarantine. No one was allowed out of the house.

We were lucky that Nasser’s relatives live within the village. Their company manager was the one buying the things we needed. my sisters in the US were constantly communicat­ing with us. They gave me tips like lying down in a prone position (stomach facing the bed). my in-laws came and gave us the Chinese medicines and food. Other relatives and friends sent more food and they constantly prayed for us.

On the second week of my Covid, I was already losing my appetite and having difficulty communicat­ing with Nasser and my siblings. This was the time that I saw Nasser climb to the kitchen roof to check on my condition through a window.

I could hardly eat the food given to me. I would swallow one or two spoonfuls the most but it was so difficult and hard. In my mind though, I needed to eat to be strong against the virus. But I kept on coughing and every time I cough, I had to go to the bathroom to spit out the phlegm. The steam inhalation was a major help to me. I did it even in the middle of the night and, almost every two hours as long as I was strong to stand up to put water and salt in the electric kettle and cover it with the blanket.

The Pasig LGU informed Nasser that the entire family would have the RT-PCR test on the 12th day. Three days after, the results came out and all were negative! my husband and I were crying with joy. But despite the negative results, he was told to remain under quarantine for another week.

For my part, I went to the LGU to have my ECLEA test 15 days after Day One, and result came out after three days. The result indicated that I was free of Covid, that I had the antibodies to fight the virus, and I was already allowed to interact with others. I was issued a clearance certificat­e. Despite this very good news, I was still coughing. I still continue to take the medicines but was able to go out of the house and expose myself to the sunlight.

20-day isolation

FOR the 20 days that I was in isolation, I still felt that I was in the grace of God because I never felt bored. I was very busy monitoring and taking my medicines and supplement­s, doing my inhalation, praying, walking inside my bedroom, and reading books. Today is almost my 4th week, I take things lightly and continue to regain my strength by eating plenty of healthy food, less physical and mental activities but more of sleeping, reading, and praying.

Fighting the virus that hit my body was like a physical war. But I was so determined not to be defeated. Being defeated, means letting go of the people I love, especially Nasser. When I saw him climbed the roof, I realized that Nasser still needs me. It was an awakening for me to fight back the virus. I have to survive to see him again. and that means, I will also not leave our three sons. I realized that God will not allow it to happen of letting go and giving up the fight.

In the meantime, I have started some initiative­s which are more focused first on helping and reaching out for those who are sick of Covid. They are my 1,000 hail marys prayed every first Saturday of the month which I started last march 6, 2021; my campaign and promotion of steam inhalation which I posted in my FB page, as well as sending it to some priests and my 3 p.m. Divine mercy Prayer.

I still experience the effects of virus but how can I complain? The mere fact that I am still alive is more than enough a blessing. Every moment of the day now, I am forever thankful for the prayers and love of my dear ones.

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