


TIKTOK is where all the gossip is at. A recent scandal involves the alleged conversati­on between two people, one of whom is a minor. The other person is asking the minor (who is off-cam) about her relationsh­ip with her former mentor, a famous comedian. The minor allegedly said the falling out was caused by her mentor’s boyfriend with whom she had sexual relations. It was obviously not the minor’s voice. As it turned out, the unseen person in the Tiktok video is not the minor in question but another Tiktok personalit­y. It’s not clear what caused the fallout between the minor and her mentor but certainly, the former would never disclose it over Tiktok. When will these people realize what slander means and that jokes like this aren’t funny at all?


HE is probably the network’s most prized star and while he is not young and his popularity is not as it was before, the comedian is still very powerful. He is also a favorite of the network bosses. This is why so many people were shocked to hear that he had been exploring offers from other groups. It’s not that he is unhappy where he is. It’s just that he wants to see what options are available for him. The star hasn’t renewed his contract yet even if his network has made a good offer. It’s not as good as the star expected but he is also seriously looking at it and considerin­g the circumstan­ces and current economic situation.


SPEAKING of transfers, a female star from the same network is also considerin­g going solo because of a big project. It’s a project that could finally make her career. While she is very popular, the star’s career has been sidelined by marriage and motherhood. Now that there is a pandemic, the star and her husband are having difficulty finding work and she’s had no offers from her own network. So she is eyeing a freelance status just because she is being considered for a big role in a Korean drama adaptation. She hasn’t made a decision yet but she has to as filming for the drama will start soon.


THE TV host has been finding comfort from her two colleagues-turned-friends for a marital problem. The two friends have given her good advice. The TV host doesn’t want to leave her husband but she’s scared that he might leave her for the other woman who is rumored to have given birth recently in another country. Because of this problem, the TV host has lost a lot of weight. One of her two colleagues has also dealt with marital infidelity and this friend has reportedly given the TV host tips on how to weather the storm if she wants her marriage to last.

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