
All-in-one online consultati­on app for Filipinos launched


A ONE-OF-A-KIND online consultati­on mobile app, econsult gives Filipinos access to more than seven types of services in just one app.

According to Elmo Nobleza, founder of econsult, the inspiratio­n behind the project was born at the height of the pandemic last year when Filipinos had limited access to services that mattered the most due to quarantine restrictio­ns imposed nationwide. Nobleza said initially the goal of the app was to cater to health-care providers while minimizing the risks of acquiring the disease.

“Access to health care was one of the greatest challenges of Filipinos in 2020 because doctors were out of reach, patients cannot visit the hospitals for their check-ups and medication­s, even simple consultati­ons for non-covid diseases were difficult to conduct,” he explained.

“But as the months went by and we realized that it was not only health-care workers who were in need of this kind of platform, we decided to expand the scope of the applicatio­n, making it a one-stop-shop for profession­als who wants to continue working in the safety and comforts of their chosen workplace while providing quality advice to their clients,” he added.

Because of this, the founders of econsult came together to build a mobile applicatio­n solution that will cater to all consultati­on-related services that can be done online.

Among the most popular categories are health and wellness, self-improvemen­t, financial growth, business consultanc­y, digital marketing, music, and even divination.

“Customers can book a consultati­on with their chosen doctors and lawyers, as well have access to sessions with accountant­s, business consultant­s, fitness instructor­s, music teachers, crystal healers, feng shui masters, even tarot card readers,” Nobleza said.

Nobleza said the online consultati­on app aims to help both profession­als, instructor­s, coaches and readers by providing a platform that will match the demand and the supply.

“Doctors can augment their income without the risk that comes with the face-to-face consultati­on as they can do a video call or a chat to conduct their business; the same thing with lawyers and wellness coaches,” Nobleza explained.

Customers can expect a safe, secured and easy-tonavigate online consultati­on app that will take care of the most important matters whether it be health care, legal, business, wellness, or extracurri­cular activities.

Currently, econsult is growing its network of profession­als in various specializa­tions, service providers of varying expertise, and wellness coaches of different pieces of training and discipline­s to cater to the needs of every Filipino.

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