
Octa poll shows BBM has 63% of A-B-C voters


PARTIDO Federal ng Pilipinas standardbe­arer Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr., has the “overwhelmi­ng support of the Class A-B-C voters” after more than 60 percent chose him as their president for the 2022 polls, a postsurvey analysis from his headquarte­rs said on Monday, a day after the OCTA Research survey showed him grabbing a 54-percent share of the vote among aspirants.

The OCTA Research Tugon Ng Masa nationwide survey was conducted from December 7-12 and participat­ed in by 1,200 respondent­s—9 9.6 percent of whom were all registered voters—and has -+ 3 percent margin of error.

According to the results, 63 percent of the total respondent­s from Class ABC said they would vote for Marcos if the elections happened at the time of the poll, while Class D recorded 55 percent and the Class E bracket registered 46 percent.

Meanwhile, Francisco Domagoso received 14 percent preference votes from Class ABC, Leni Robredo with 9 percent; Manny Pacquiao with 5 percent; and Panfilo Lacson with 2 percent.

For classes D and E, all aspirants aside from Marcos received less than 25-percent preference votes.

This latest election survey proved that Marcos is the most preferred presidenti­al aspirant from all socioecono­mic classes, his camp pointed out.

It was proven not only through surveys but also from the big number of supporters who continue to join him and his vice presidenti­al partner Sara “Inday” Duterte, Davao City’s mayor, during their Uniteam rides and motorcades nationwide.

The same OCTA survey showed that Marcos will also dominate the May 2022 presidenti­al derby in all areas of the country as he received more than the majority of the preference votes with 54 percent.

Inday Sara also topped the vicepresid­ential survey with 50 percent.

This survey, said the Uniteam camp, confirmed and reinforced the previous polls by other firms —SWS, Publicus, Kalye Survey, DZRH, RMN, and Pulse Asia, among others—showing Marcos pulling away from the pack of other presidenti­al hopefuls.

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