
Japan widens Covid curbs as Omicron cases surge


TOKYO—THE Japanese government will place Tokyo and a dozen other areas under new restrictio­ns for Covid-19 effective Friday, allowing local leaders to shorten hours for eateries, as a surge in Omicron cases threatens to paralyze society.

A government-commission­ed experts’ panel on Wednesday approved a plan to put the 13 areas under a three-week restraint through Feb. 13, said Economy Revitaliza­tion Minister Daishiro Yamagiwa, who is also in charge of virus measures.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is expected to officially announce the new measures at a government taskforce meeting later Wednesday.

Japan has so far resisted the use of lockdowns to fight the pandemic and instead has focused on requiring restaurant­s and bars to close early and not serve alcohol, and asking the public to wear masks and practice social distancing, as the government seeks to minimize damage to the economy.

Japan had been gradually expanding social and business activity since an earlier wave of infections subsided in September, which experts say was largely due to the country’s rapid progress in rolling out the initial two doses of vaccines.

But experts say breakthrou­gh infections by the Omicron variant are more common. The fastspread­ing variant has caused a number of medical workers and others to self-isolate after testing positive or coming into close contact with someone who has. Sharply rising infections have already begun to paralyze hospitals, schools and other sectors in some areas.

The national government is taking action following requests by local governors, including Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike, who raised alarms about the possibilit­y of essential public services, such as public transporta­tion and garbage collection, grinding to a halt.

Tokyo reported 5,185 new infections Tuesday. Nationwide, Japan has logged more than 32,000 cases, bringing its total to 1.93 million cases, with 184,00 deaths.

More than 134,000 patients are now quarantini­ng or hospitaliz­ed for Covid-19, according to the Health Ministry.

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