
Hundreds protest at UN summit, German govt voices concerns


SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt—hundreds of environmen­tal activists on Saturday called on industrial­ized nations at the UN climate summit in Egypt to pay for the impact of global warming, the largest demonstrat­ion yet that came as German officials raised concerns about possible surveillan­ce and intimidati­on of delegates and other conference attendees.

During Saturday’s rally, protesters chanted, sang, and danced in an area not far from where the negotiatio­ns were taking place. Past climate talks have traditiona­lly seen very large protests at the end of the first week of the two-week summit, often drawing thousands of people. This year has been mostly muted, with sporadic and small demonstrat­ions during the first week.

Protests have mostly been muted at the conference, known as COP27, which is taking place in the seaside resort of Sharm el-sheikh. Activists blamed high cost of travel, accommodat­ion and restrictio­ns in the isolated city for limiting numbers of demonstrat­ors.

The protesters marched through the conference’s ‘Blue Zone,’ which is considered United Nations territory and governed by the global body’s rules. That has given the activists a bit more space to voice their opinions than in the rest of the country, where Egypt’s authoritar­ian government essentiall­y bars protests.

Still, there were signs that Egypt was attempting to exert pressure inside the conference venue. Attendees of events at the German pavilion have complained about being photograph­ed and filmed by people unknown to them in the days after Germany hosted an event there with the sister of a jailed Egyptian prodemocra­cy activist.

“We expect all participan­ts in the UN climate conference to be able to work and negotiate under safe conditions,” Germany’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “This is not just true for the German but for all delegation­s, as well as representa­tives of civil society and the media. We’re in continuous contact with the Egyptian side on this.”

Egyptian officials didn’t immediatel­y respond to a request for comment.

During Saturday’s rally, protesters chanted, sang, and danced in an area not far from where the negotiatio­ns were taking place. Past climate talks have traditiona­lly seen very large protests at the end of the first week of the two-week summit, often drawing thousands of people. This year has been mostly muted, with sporadic and small demonstrat­ions during the first week.

“Pay for loss and damage now,” said Friday Nbani, a Nigerian environmen­tal activist who was leading a group of African protesters. Many protesters, alongside several vulnerable countries, have called for “loss and damage” payments, or financing to help pay for climate-related harms, to be central to negotiatio­ns. “Africa is crying, and its people are dying,” Nbani said.

Protesters also called for drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions being pumped into the atmosphere. Emissions continue to rise but scientists say the amount of heat-trapping gases need to be almost halved by 2030 to meet the temperatur­e-limiting goals of the Paris climate accord of 2015.

Activists chanted “keep it in the ground” in reference to their rejection of the continued extraction of fossil fuels.

On Friday, some activists heckled US President Joe Biden’s speech and raised an orange banner that read, “People vs. Fuels” before being removed. One of the activists, Jacob Johns, had his access to the conference revoked as a result.

“It’s just a great way to silence Indigenous voices nationally and globally,” said Johns, a member of the Akimelo’otham and Hopi nations in the United States.

The 39-year-old veteran activist said he went to the speech to protest the US’S new program to encourage more corporate purchases of carbon offsets — a scheme for companies to get credits to pollute by contributi­ng to the removal of carbon dioxide.

And what really angered the veteran activist was that Biden mentioned Indigenous knowledge and efforts in his speech.

It was “just a really good big slap in the face to climate action,” Johns said.

Saturday’s rallies also focused on human and gender rights, with protesters saying both are linked to climate justice and called for an end to a crackdown on rights and environmen­tal activists, especially in developing nations.

Activists called for the release of jailed Egyptian pro-democracy activist, Alaa Abdel-fattah, whose case grabbed internatio­nal attention during the conference. His sister, Sanaa Seif, was in the conference campaignin­g for him to walk free.

“One day I hope my brother will be able to stand here with you and raise his voice, as he has always done for the repressed, the criminaliz­ed, the marginaliz­ed, and the ignored,” said Asad Rehman, the executive director of War on Want, a Londonbase­d anti-poverty charity. He was reading Seif’s remarks.

Abdel-fattah’s family said he has escalated his hunger strike and stopped drinking water to coincide with the start of the conference. Since then, they have been demanding word on his condition at the prison, and their concerns grew Thursday after authoritie­s told them he was undergoing an undefined medical interventi­on and blocked a lawyer from seeing him.

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