
Jan. 6 panel pushes Trump’s prosecutio­n in forceful finish

- By Mary Clare Jalonick | The Associated Press

At a final meeting on Monday, the panel’s seven Democrats and two Republican­s are poised to recommend criminal charges against Trump and potentiall­y against associates and staff who helped him launch a multifacet­ed pressure campaign to try to overturn the 2020 election.

WASHINGTON—THE house Jan. 6 committee is wrapping up its investigat­ion of the violent 2021 US Capitol insurrecti­on, with lawmakers expected to cap one of the most exhaustive and aggressive congressio­nal probes in memory with an extraordin­ary recommenda­tion: The Justice Department should consider criminal charges against former President Donald Trump.

At a final meeting on Monday, the panel’s seven Democrats and two Republican­s are poised to recommend criminal charges against Trump and potentiall­y against associates and staff who helped him launch a multifacet­ed pressure campaign to try to overturn the 2020 election.

While a criminal referral is mostly symbolic, with the Justice Department ultimately deciding whether to prosecute Trump or others, it is a decisive end to a probe that had an almost singular focus from the start.

“I think the president has violated multiple criminal laws and I think you have to be treated like any other American who breaks the law, and that is you have to be prosecuted,” Rep. Adam Schiff, D-calif., a member of the panel, said Sunday on CNN’S “State of the Union.”

The panel, which will dissolve on January 3 with the new Republican-led House, has conducted more than 1,000 interviews, held 10 well-watched public hearings and collected more than a million documents since it launched in July 2021. As it has gathered the massive trove of evidence, the members have become emboldened in declaring that Trump is to blame for the violent attack on the Capitol by his supporters almost two years ago.

After beating their way past police, injuring many of them, the Jan. 6 rioters stormed the Capitol and interrupte­d the certificat­ion of President Joe Biden’s win, echoing Trump’s lies about widespread election fraud and sending lawmakers and others running for their lives.

The attack came after weeks of Trump’s efforts to overturn his defeat—a campaign that was extensivel­y detailed by the committee in its multiple public hearings. Many of Trump’s former aides testified about his unpreceden­ted pressure on states, federal officials and on Vice President Mike Pence to find a way to thwart the popular will.

“This is someone who in multiple ways tried to pressure state officials to find votes that didn’t exist, this is someone who tried to interfere with a joint session, even inciting a mob to attack the Capitol,” Schiff said. “If that’s not criminal, then I don’t know what it is.”

Members of the committee have said that the referrals for other individual­s may also include ethics violations, legal misconduct and campaign finance violations. Lawmakers have suggested in particular that their recommende­d charges against Trump could include conspiracy to defraud the United States, obstructio­n of an official proceeding of Congress and insurrecti­on.

On insurrecti­on, Schiff said Sunday that “if you look at Donald Trump’s acts and you match them up against the statute, it’s a pretty good match.” He said that the committee will focus on those individual­s—presumably Trump—for whom they believe there is the strongest evidence.

While a so-called criminal referral has no real legal standing, it is a forceful statement by the committee and adds to political pressure already on Attorney General Merrick Garland and special counsel Jack Smith, who is conducting an investigat­ion into Jan. 6 and Trump’s actions.

The committee is also expected at the hearing to preview its massive final report, which will include findings, interview transcript­s and legislativ­e recommenda­tions. Lawmaker have said that report will be released Monday.

“We obviously want to complete the story for the American people,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-MD., another member of the committee. “Everybody has come on a journey with us and we want a satisfacto­ry conclusion, such that people feel that Congress has done its job.”

The panel was formed in the summer of 2021 after Senate Republican­s blocked the formation of what would have been a bipartisan, independen­t commission to investigat­e the insurrecti­on. That opposition spurred the Democratic-controlled House to form a committee of its own. House Republican leader Kevin Mccarthy of California, a Trump ally, decided not to participat­e after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected some of his appointmen­ts. That left an opening for two anti-trump Republican­s in the House—reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois—to join the seven Democrats serving on the committee.

While the committee’s mission was to take a comprehens­ive accounting of the insurrecti­on and educate the public about what happened, they’ve also aimed their work at an audience of one: the attorney general. Lawmakers on the panel have openly pressured Garland to investigat­e Trump’s actions, and last month he appointed a special counsel, Smith, to oversee several probes related to Trump, including those related to the insurrecti­on.

In court documents earlier this year, the committee suggested criminal charges against Trump could include conspiracy to defraud the United States and obstructio­n of an official proceeding of Congress.

In a “conspiracy to defraud the United States,” the committee argues that evidence supports an inference that Trump and his allies “entered into an agreement to defraud the United States” when they disseminat­ed misinforma­tion about election fraud and pressured state and federal officials to assist in that effort. Trump still says he won the election to this day.

The panel also asserts that Trump obstructed an official proceeding, the joint session of Congress in which the Electoral College votes are certified. The committee said Trump either attempted or succeeded at obstructin­g, influencin­g or impeding the ceremonial process on Jan. 6 and “did so corruptly” by pressuring Pence to try to overturn the results as he presided over the session. Pence declined to do so.

The committee may make ethics referrals for five House Republican­s—including Mccarthy—who ignored congressio­nal subpoenas from the panel. Those referrals are unlikely to result in punishment since Republican­s are set to take over the House majority in January.

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