
Increasing your visibility in the workplace

- Carlo Atienza

ONE of the worst things that could happen during performanc­e reviews is when you list all your accomplish­ments to your manager, and then they are surprised you did all those things. This is especially true when your manager has numerous direct reports, and your work either flies over their head, or you have not done enough to catch their attention.

When productivi­ty trackers and milestones are not enough to make your manager notice your accomplish­ments, you need to think of ways to increase your visibility so that when they think of someone they can rely on for a certain task, your name comes up as the first choice. Increasing your visibility to your manager will also help you become familiar to the right people in your organizati­on who can help you get your work done faster and even promote you to others because of your expertise. With your increased visibility, you can then collaborat­e with others and open doors to new opportunit­ies where you can develop and use your unique talents and skills.

Before going outside your team, your work should be recognized and appreciate­d by your own team. Make sure that you have a good working relationsh­ip with your direct supervisor because once you become familiar in the organizati­on, other organizati­onal leaders will start becoming curious about you and the first one they will ask is your direct supervisor. So, when someone from your organizati­on asks who you are and the quality of your work, what would your manager say?

One way you can improve your standing with your manager is to take the extra mile by asking for special projects to show that you are willing to improve your skills. Take the initiative to discuss this with your manager so that when a suitable project for you comes along, they will think of you first.

When asking for special projects, leverage on your expertise and look for opportunit­ies to help the team improve the way they do their work. One of the things I learned in previous jobs is how to do a communicat­ion plan for internal communicat­ion. I took on the special assignment of creating one of the team’s projects, and it helped my manager appreciate the different communicat­ion channels available in the organizati­on.

Look for ways to improve your team’s work processes by identifyin­g avenues to reduce cost and increase productivi­ty. One of the things that worked for me was helping my team in using new technology. When my organizati­on started to use a new office software so we could work from home, people in the team were not familiar with it and I would do simulation­s with them to help them get familiar with using its video conferenci­ng. I eased them through it and later, I became part of the organizati­on-wide team that helped cascade the software to other department­s.

Attend training sessions to get to know people from across the organizati­on. Learning sessions provide the venue to know more about what others do, and possibly adapt best practices which you can also use in your own team. Take advantage of the opportunit­y to get to know others and establish good relations so that you can tap them when the opportunit­y comes. Offer to help as well and if needed, connect them to other people who might be able to help.

When asked to join a cross-functional meeting, speak up. People need to know how you work and how you think so they can appreciate what you bring to the table. If you do not speak up, they will not find out. A good practice to help you significan­tly contribute to a meeting is to read pertinent materials before the meeting. I remember, one of the first things I asked from my manager was to include me in some of his meetings as an observer so that I could understand how people think in the organizati­on. That helped me understand the culture and how I should present ideas and suggestion­s in meetings.

Join cross-functional projects or interest groups where you can work with other people in the organizati­on. One of the things I was asked when I joined an organizati­on was to create a risk registry which I had no idea how to do. I asked my manager for someone I could consult, and he introduced me to someone who was able to help. That started a good working relationsh­ip and every time I needed something related to risk, I would always go to that person for consultati­on.

An interest group is also a good venue for meeting others in the organizati­on. Being part of the peer support group has helped me appreciate the different personalit­ies in the organizati­on and also honed my interperso­nal skills in dealing with different personalit­ies. You can learn more about these interest groups by talking to your manager or someone from human resources. Being in an interest group helps people relax and not be worried with titles and positions because the intent is to enjoy a common activity.

If you cannot join in cross-functional projects, then you can help out in organizati­on-wide activities. I was asked twice, in two different organizati­ons I had worked with, to be in a company video to speak about how great it was working for them and the different benefits I enjoyed as part of the organizati­on. If you are not given this opportunit­y, you can volunteer for roadshows, hosting events, or being at the registrati­on table where people can see you and become familiar with you.

In the end, your visibility in the organizati­on should be based on your expertise, how you work with others, and a clear track record of your accomplish­ments. All of these should be evident to your team, which in turn will be known by department­s you often work with and could even reach top management. Your work should speak for itself and as your visibility increases, so does your influence.

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