
Ukraine aid support softens in the US, says AP-NORC poll

- By Aamer Madhani & Emily Swanson

WASHINGTON—SUPPORT among the American public for providing Ukraine weaponry and direct economic assistance has softened as the Russian invasion nears a grim one-year milestone, according to a new poll from The Associated PRESS-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Forty-eight percent say they favor the US providing weapons to Ukraine, with 29 percent opposed and 22 percent saying they’re neither in favor nor opposed. In May 2022, less than three months into the war, 60 percent of US adults said they were in favor of sending Ukraine weapons.

Americans are about evenly divided on sending government funds directly to Ukraine, with 37 percent in favor and 38 percent opposed, with 23 percent saying neither. The signs of diminished support for Ukraine come as President Joe Biden is set to travel to Poland next week to mark the first anniversar­y of the biggest conflict in Europe since World War II.

“I am sympatheti­c for Ukraine’s situation and I feel badly for them, but I feel like we need to first take care of priorities here at home,” said Joe Hernandez, 44, of Rocklin, California.

Hernandez, a Republican, added that it’s difficult to support generous US spending on military and economic assistance to Ukraine when many American communitie­s don’t have the resources to deal with the ramificati­ons of migrants crossing into the US at the southern border, a rise in drug overdoses caused by fentanyl and other lab-produced synthetic opioids, and a homelessne­ss crisis in his state.

Biden has repeatedly stated that the United States will help Ukraine “as long as it takes” to repel the Russian invasion that began on February 24 of last year. Privately, administra­tion officials have warned Ukrainian officials that there is a limit to the patience of a narrowly divided Congress—and American public—for the costs of a war with no clear end. Congress approved about $113 billion in economic, humanitari­an and military spending in 2022.

The poll shows 19 percent of Americans have a great deal of confidence in Biden’s ability to handle the situation in Ukraine, while 37 percent say they have only some confidence and 43 percent have hardly any.

Views of Biden’s handling of the war divide largely along partisan lines. Among Democrats, 40 percent say they have a great deal of confidence in Biden to handle the situation, 50 percent have some confidence and 9 percent have hardly any. Among Republican­s, a large majority (76 percent) say they have hardly any confidence. Those numbers are largely unchanged since last May.

Janice Fortado, 78, of Ipswich, Massachuse­tts, said Biden deserves credit for his handling of the war. She agreed with Biden’s hesitance early in the war about sending advanced and offensive weaponry out of concern that it would give Russian President Vladimir Putin a pretext to expand the war beyond Ukraine and spur a larger global conflict.

But as the war has dragged on—and Ukrainian forces have held up against a more formidable Russian military—some of that resistance has melted away. Biden has approved sending light multiple rocket launchers known as HIMARS, Patriot missile systems, Bradley fighting vehicles, Abrams tanks, and more. Biden, however, continues to balk at Ukraine’s request for fighter jets.

“As my opinion evolved, I came to wish we had offered more to Ukraine sooner,” said Fortado, a Democrat, who added that she hopes the US and allies change their mind on the fighter jets. “We seem to have done a drip, drip, drip. I understand why it is they were hesitant, but we are now beyond that point.”

House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy, R-calif., before winning the speakershi­p, vowed that Republican­s wouldn’t write a “blank check” for Ukraine once they were in charge. And some of the most right-leaning Republican­s lashed out at Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell of Kentucky over his support of a $1.7 trillion spending bill passed in December that included about $47 billion for Ukraine.

Alex Hoxeng, 37, of Midland, Texas, said he expected Republican­s to take a tougher line on Ukraine spending.

“I think Biden isn’t worried enough about inflation,” said Hoxeng, a Republican. “We should just stay out of it. Ukraine is halfway around the world and we have our own problems.”

A majority of Americans, 63 percent, still favor imposing economic sanctions on Russia, the poll shows, though that too has decreased from the 71 percent who said that in May 2022.

And 59 percent say limiting damage to the US economy is more important than effectivel­y sanctionin­g Russia, even if that means sanctions are less effective. Almost a year ago, in March 2022, the situation was reversed: 55 percent said it was a bigger priority to sanction Russia effectivel­y, even if it meant damage to the US economy.

Shandi Carter, 51, of Big Spring, Texas, said she’s become frustrated with the global ramificati­ons the war has had on consumers, including volatile gas prices and increasing food costs. Carter, who tends to vote Republican, said she’s been displeased with Biden’s handling of the crisis but doesn’t think Donald Trump would have done any better had

he won the 2020 election.

“I just wish it was over. I wish it had never started,” Carter said. “It didn’t matter if there was a Democrat or Republican there. Putin was going to do what he wanted to do.”

Overall, the poll shows that about a quarter of Americans, 26 percent, now say the US should have a major role in the situation, down from as high as 40 percent in March 2022. Still, 49 percent say the US should have a minor role, and just 24 percent say it should have no role.

Since last March, the percentage of Democrats saying the US should have a major role has dipped slightly from 48 percent to 40 percent, while among Republican­s it has dropped from 35 percent to 17 percent.

Democrats also remain more likely than Republican­s to favor imposing economic sanctions on Russia (75 percent to 60 percent), accepting refugees from Ukraine (73 percent to 42 percent), providing weapons to Ukraine (63 percent to 39 percent) and sending government funds to Ukraine (59 percent to 21 percent). Support has softened at least slightly among both Democrats and Republican­s since last May.

Tom Sadauskas, 68, a political independen­t from northern Virginia, said he doesn’t believe an end to the war is near. That makes him worried about the direction of American support for a conflict that he believes could have reverberat­ions far beyond Ukraine if Putin is successful.

“I worry that as a country we get easily distracted,” said Sadauskas, who approves of Biden’s handling of the war thus far. “It’s easy to say, ‘It’s a faraway country. That it really doesn’t matter.’ But if Ukraine goes, what is our attitude going to be when Putin decides to move on and threaten one of our smaller neighborin­g Nato countries?” (The poll of 1,068 adults was conducted Jan. 2630 using a sample drawn from NORC’S probabilit­y-based Amerispeak Panel, which is designed to be representa­tive of the US population. The margin of sampling error for all respondent­s is plus or minus 4.2 percentage points).

 ?? AP/PATRICK SEMANSKY ?? PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as they meet in the Oval Office of the White House on December 21, 2022, in Washington. Support among the American public for providing Ukraine weaponry and direct economic assistance has softened as the Russian invasion nears a grim one-year milestone.
AP/PATRICK SEMANSKY PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as they meet in the Oval Office of the White House on December 21, 2022, in Washington. Support among the American public for providing Ukraine weaponry and direct economic assistance has softened as the Russian invasion nears a grim one-year milestone.

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