
CSMC pushes for TEAM Approach to tumor MANAGEMENT this BRAIN tumor AWARENESS Month


CAncer is one of the leading causes of death in the country, third only to cardiovasc­ular and cerebrovas­cular diseases. For less common cancers like brain cancer, however, there may not be enough awareness among Filipinos to prevent its onset, or resources to help those afflicted.

“One common misconcept­ion is that frequent headaches must mean a brain tumor; that’s often not the case,” said dr. Michael Louis Gimenez, resident neurosurge­on and Chairman of the Brain and Spine Institute at Cardinal Santos Medical Center (CSMC). “It’s possible, but there are a combinatio­n of symptoms that more accurately distinguis­h a possible brain tumor.”

According to Gimenez, symptoms of a brain tumor manifest depending on the location in the brain. That being said, some common symptoms across the board are seizures, abnormal motor control, memory or thinking issues, nausea and vision problems.

Multidisci­plinary level

BECAUSE of the complex nature of diagnosing and treating brain tumors, dr. Gimenez stated that it is best done at a multidisci­plinary level, which is what led CSMC to establish its Brain and Spine Tumor Center.

“We wanted to push a comprehens­ive, multidisci­plinary and team-oriented approach to the evaluation and treatment of patients with brain and spine tumors,” he said. “When medical practition­ers from different fields and discipline­s work together to contribute their expertise in identifyin­g and treating tumors, patients are able to receive consistent, timely, accurate and holistic care for their affliction­s,” dr. Gimenez said.

At the Brain and Spine Tumor Center, patient cases are first assessed by a team of neurologis­ts, neurosurge­ons, and Medical Oncologist­s, then presented to all the team members for clinical review. Patients are informed of the team’s input soon after, allowing them to discuss their options and come to an informed decision about their diagnosis.

“This approach is beneficial not just for the team handling the case, but also for the patient as well,” dr. Gimenez noted. “Through this streamline­d process we are able to facilitate timely planning and decision-making, and the expertise and opinions coming from different discipline­s can be considered.”

CSMC’S approach proves to be popular with patients, as the hospital has since seen a 600 percent increase in the number of patients served after its implementa­tion.

“We believe it’s because the Brain and Spine Tumor Center is a one-stop service for patients suffering from neurologic­al diseases,” dr. Gimenez shared. “Patients know that they have a team of experience­d, excellent and compassion­ate medical profession­als taking care of them from the moment they step through the hospital doors and all throughout their journey.”

Well-equipped center

THE Brain and Spine Tumor Center is also equipped with the latest neurosurgi­cal equipment, a neuro-icu, a medical neuro-oncology Unit, and radiothera­py facilities. It also boasts of the only Gamma Knife radiosurge­ry unit in the Philippine­s.

This dedication to provide the best quality of medical service to its patients has since been recognized at the 2022 Asian Hospital Management Awards, where CSMC was awarded the excellence Award in Clinical effectiven­ess Improvemen­t for its multidisci­plinary approach to brain and spine tumor management.

“The CSMC Brain and Spine Tumor Center was organized to bring different medical fields together to deliver comprehens­ive and holistic cancer care and treatment,” Gimenez concluded. “We want our patients and potential patients to see how serious and committed we are to giving them quality medical care that they cannot get anywhere else.”

For more informatio­n about the programs and services that CSMC offers, please visit https://cardinalsa­ CSMC is also on Facebook, like and follow them at­ntos.

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