
Filipinos, Spaniards embrace Sinulog’s rhythm, colors as consulate showcases Phil. culture in Barcelona


THE City of Barcelona, the Philippine Consulate General in the Spanish city, and the Filipino community there celebrated the Sinulog 2024 festivitie­s in a cultural event held at Plaza San Agustin and the historic San Agustin Church on January 24.

Led by the Parroquia de la Inmaculada Concepción y San Lorenzo Ruiz where the San Agustin Church is located, this year’s event was marked by a collaborat­ion with various parishes in Barcelona’s Ciutat Vella district. A central feature of the celebratio­n was the replica of the Santo Niño de Cebu statue—a donation from the National Historical Commission to the consulate, now displayed at the church.

The event included performanc­es by various Filipino religious and civic organizati­ons, which displayed the history and significan­ce of the Santo Niño. The program began with a historical reenactmen­t of the Santo Niño’s arrival in Limasawa in 1521 and featured dynamic Sinulog festival dances.

Ciutat Vella district councilor and Barcelona’s third deputy mayor Albert Battle Bastardas appreciate­d the Filipino community’s contributi­on to the city’s cultural diversity, as he particular­ly highlighte­d the Sinulog celebratio­n.

Consul General to Barcelona Maria Theresa S.M. Lazaro emphasized the consulate’s role in promoting Philippine culture and its shared history with Spain, especially the influence of Catholicis­m. She recalled the consulate's 2021 initiative of introducin­g Santo Niño statue replicas to Barcelona, culminatin­g in a parade inside the Basilica de la Sagrada Familia.

The outdoor Sinulog celebratio­n featured a community dance to the “Pit Senyor” theme, engaging Filipinos and locals in a vibrant display of cultural unity.

The event concluded with a Eucharisti­c mass at San Agustin Church, led by Father Pere Carulla and was concelebra­ted by Filipino and Spanish priests.

More events were scheduled for January 28 at the Parish of San Pedro Nolasco and the Parish of Madre de Deu de Betlem, meant to showcase the Santo Niño de Pandacan and Santo Niño de Tondo statues, which are also on loan from the consulate.

For more informatio­n and updates visit the consulate's official website or follow its Facebook, Instagram, and X accounts: @ Phinbarcel­ona.

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