

- By Cai U. Ordinario

INFORMAL jobs for women in the tourism sector present challenges such as stiff competitio­n, seasonalit­y and sexual harassment, according to a study released by the state-owned think tank Philippine Institute for Developmen­t Studies (PIDS).

PIDS Philippine APEC Study Center Network Project Developmen­t Officer Jean Clarisse T. Carlos, Central Luzon State University-college of Home Science and Industry former Assistant Professor Marie Jel D. Bautista, and Asian Institute of Management-andrew L. Tan Center for Tourism Research Manager Eylla Laire M. Gutierrez, found these challenges from their study of the informal tourism sector in Boracay.

The researcher­s said women’s contributi­on in the tourism sector in Boracay makes in necessary to address gaps through better data collection, gender sensitivit­y training, and appropriat­e support.

“We found that while informal workers are organized in associatio­ns, there are challenges related to seasonalit­y and competitio­n with formal establishm­ents,” Guttierez said in a recent briefing. “Issues of sexual harassment are also more prevalent in certain sectors.”

Women workers were in subsectors like souvenirs, food and beverages, excursions and emerging tourism segments such as beach mat vending.

Unfortunat­ely, the researcher­s said, the challenges of women in these subsectors are often overlooked due to the informal nature of their work.

The study also noted inconsiste­ncies in government efforts across regions, making their effectiven­ess difficult to measure. Some areas prioritize­d initiative­s specifical­ly for women workers, while others integrate gender considerat­ions into broader frameworks.

Compoundin­g the above challenges is the difficulty in collecting and sharing data on informal tourism workers. Carlos, co-author of the study, elaborated that, “while there is available data, the sophistica­tion of data gathering and sharing remains a challenge.”

Streamlini­ng data collection and collaborat­ion among different organizati­ons, the researcher­s said, are essential for establishi­ng a more comprehens­ive understand­ing of the informal tourism sector and its specific needs.

“Collaborat­ion among different members of the tourism sector, as well as gender sensitivit­y training, are critical for driving the empowermen­t of women,” Carlos and Gutierrez aptly concluded.

Nonetheles­s, positive signs of a shift toward recognizin­g their critical role within the industry are emerging. Department of Tourism (DOT) Western Visayas’s Karen Joy Sargado said in the forum that DOT initiative­s demonstrat­e a growing awareness of the contributi­ons made by this vital workforce.

“Despite regulation­s often favoring the formal sector, the DOT recognizes the crucial role played by informal tourism workers,” Sargado explained. “This recognitio­n is evident in initiative­s providing technical assistance, livelihood programs, and support for small businesses within this sector,” she highlighte­d.

The PIDS researcher­s also said there is a strong desire among women informal workers to be included in the formal economy for its attached benefits and security.

In order to achieve this, the study recommends education and training, capacity building, creating gender and developmen­t indicators for tourism, community organizing, and private sector involvemen­t.

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