
‘Fully-automated ISF to solve transactio­n timing issues’

- Reine Juvierre Alberto

THE transactio­n timing issues encountere­d by financial institutio­ns will now be hastened through the fully-automated Intraday Settlement Facility (ISF) launched by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP).

The BSP said it rolled out the new automated system together with the Bureau of the Treasury (BTR) on June 27, 2024, to fasten the turnaround time of settlement­s, support paperless transactio­ns and manage funds efficientl­y.

The BSP noted the system is aligned with the central bank’s mandate of “promoting a safe, efficient, and reliable mode of funds transfer in support of financial stability.”

The BSP said the ISF is available to all eligible financial institutio­ns experienci­ng timing mismatches when they engage in transactio­ns involving government securities through the Peso Real-time Gross Settlement (RTGS) Payment System managed by the central bank.

The ISF automates the settlement process by linking the BSP’S RTGS system, or PhilPasspl­us, to the Btr’s Enhanced National Registry of Scripless Securities.

This system will enable Philpasspl­us participan­ts to obtain funds within a few minutes after initiating repurchase agreement or “repo” transactio­n with the BSP.

Repo is a transactio­n in which the borrower temporaril­y lends a security to the lender for cash with an agreement to buy it back in the future at a pre-determined price.

These funds can cover the participan­ts’ queued or expected outgoing payment instructio­ns in the Philpasspl­us, the BSP added.

The ISF is also designed to support a paperless process aside from preventing gridlocks in the Philpasspl­us due to its automation reducing physical documents.

This system also settles the clearing results of retail payments made by individual­s, businesses, and the government using checks, ATMS, Instapay and PESONET, the BSP said.

Philpasspl­us, owned and managed by the BSP through the Payments and Settlement­s Department, enables an “efficient and low-risk” settlement of large-value funds transfers between financial institutio­ns, according to the BSP.

Meanwhile, the Peso RTGS Payment System designated as a systematic­ally important payment system (Sips), poses or has potential to pose systemic risk that could threaten the stability of the national payment system, under the BSP’S Payment System Oversight Framework.

Its participan­ts are required to comply with the rules, standards, and requiremen­ts promulgate­d by the BSP, and contribute toward ensuring the safety, efficiency, and reliabilit­y of the payment system, the BSP said.

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