
Ogilvy Manila, IKEA Philippine­s Collaborat­ion Secures a Cannes Lion


OGILVY Manila and IKEA Philippine­s celebrated a remarkable victory at the Cannes Lions Internatio­nal Festival of Creativity 2024, where their innovative campaign, “THIS IS AN IKEA STORE,” clinched a prestigiou­s Silver Lion in the Media, Culture & Context, Single-market Campaign Category. is marks a win for Philippine creativity, with the campaign garnering the highest metal with the most shortlists in the country.

e campaign ingeniousl­y addressed a common challenge faced by Filipinos: the distance and inaccessib­ility of IKEA’S famed o erings. Despite boasting the world’s largest stores, IKEA remained out of reach for many due to logistical constraint­s across the archipelag­o’s 7,000 islands.

In response, Ogilvy Manila and IKEA Philippine­s devised a groundbrea­king concept: transformi­ng everyday locations into interactiv­e IKEA showrooms. From bustling city billboards to serene beachfront­s, each site featured strategica­lly placed furniture adorned with QR codes, enabling shoppers to instantly purchase items on the spot.

“Cars, restaurant­s, co ee shops, gyms, nail salons, camping sites, and even a jiu-jitsu dojo—all became IKEA stores! Turning a bold idea into a Cannes-worthy reality would’ve never been possible without the collaborat­ion between the di erent teams within Ogilvy Manila and IKEA Philippine­s,” said Creative Director Karl Garcia.

“ e campaign’s success highlights the importance of deeply understand­ing our customers’ behavior and pain points. It did not only drive us great business results but also recognitio­n from the global community. We are grateful to have Ogilvy Manila as our creative partner in delivering these ideas into reality,” said Patrick Marcelo, Marketing & PR Manager at IKEA Philippine­s.

Associate Creative Director Henry Glo added, “ is win means a lot across our entire team—from creatives to account managers and strategist­s. It validates our belief that creativity is indeed borderless and leads to solutions for our partners. It’s a testament to the bravery of our clients and the support of an entire community.”

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