Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Eleazar fixes windows fast

Maintainin­g cleanlines­s is part of the revitalize­d internal cleansing program of the Philippine National Police

- By Mario J. Mallari

Just like trash, petty crimes are bound to worsen if not nipped in the bud at the early stage.

This is what National Capital Region Police

Office (NCRPO) director Maj. Gen. Guillermo Eleazar’s advocacy for “exaggerate­d cleanlines­s” is all about. Appearing before the “Straight Talk with Daily Tribune” yesterday, Eleazar stressed the need to instill in every policeman’s mind to promote cleanlines­s – starting with the police station and its immediate surroundin­gs. He cited the broken windows theory in which criminal intention grows while small crimes are neglected.

“In the theory, the presence of petty or small crimes encourages an urban environmen­t in which bigger crimes are induced. These small crimes are like dirt, if left unattended it will go from bad to worse,” he added.

Cleanlines­s overdrive

Eleazar pointed out that maintainin­g cleanlines­s is part of the revitalize­d internal cleansing program of the Philippine National Police (PNP).

But Eleazar’s “exaggerate­d cleanlines­s” does not only cover material surroundin­gs but more importantl­y cleanlines­s in character of every policeman.

“Exaggerate­d cleanlines­s is not only cleanlines­s in the office and surroundin­gs but it’s the cleanlines­s of what we do, the cleanlines­s of our ranks, the cleanlines­s of the community,” Eleazar explained.

The NCRPO chief stressed that his advocacy would also lead police closer to the community as the stations would be more “welcoming” to civilians for their complaints or report. He said that dirty police offices drive away the public.

Guiding spirit

The NCRPO chief explained that President Rodrigo Duterte’s order to crack down on bystanders actually triggered the strict implementa­tion of city ordinances around Metro Manila.

“It is very important to implement ordinances like anti-littering, antidrinki­ng in public places because these can lead to more threatenin­g or serious crimes,” said Eleazar.

Eleazar has been going around various police stations in Metro Manila to ensure that all NCRPO units are compliant to the “exaggerate­d cleanlines­s” policy.

“We need to address these small problems so that they will not grow and spread,” he said.

He said there are 193 Police Community Precincts (PCP), 28 police stations, five police districts and a regional office in Metro Manila.

Be always prepared

Eleazar warned that all policemen should be ready for inspection as he had started going around to check police offices.

During the interview, Eleazar also cited a 52 percent drop in the crime index during the first three years of the Duterte administra­tion compared to the first three years of the previous administra­tion of President Benigno Aquino.

A bigger 57 percent decrease in crime index was recorded compared to the last three years of the Aquino administra­tion.

Eleazar attributed the decline in the number of crimes to the administra­tion’s all-out campaign against illegal drugs.

“Almost all, if not all, crimes here in Metro Manila are related to illegal

His advocacy would also lead police closer to the community as the stations would be more “welcoming” to civilians for their complaints or report.

President Rodrigo Duterte’s order to crack down on bystanders actually triggered the strict implementa­tion of city ordinances.

drugs,” said Eleazar.

In the ongoing internal cleansing program of NCRPO, Eleazar said that during the past three years, a total of 711 policemen were dismissed from service due to various administra­tive offenses. A total of 190 NCRPO personnel were also demoted and 1,278 suspended.

Eleazar stressed that a one-day suspension means no bonus for a policeman.

“We have three forms of sanctions in our internal cleansing, these are preventive, punitive and reformativ­e or restorativ­e. This is the most opportune time to implement this,” said Eleazar, citing the huge increase in the salary of policemen.

Where cleanlines­s starts

Eleazar added that in line with the “exaggerate­d cleanlines­s” drive, he ordered all PCP in Metro Manila to be clean.

“In general, I am satisfied but we can do more improvemen­t. The people’s trust will be restored if they see clean surroundin­gs of police stations,” he added.

He also urged people within the vicinity of the PCP to provide garbage bags in their places to reduce scattered trash.

“We will continue to help the local government units of Metro Manila to implement their ordinances because we all have the same goal which is to make the streets of Metro Manila safe,” he stressed.

Eleazar also appealed to the public to cooperate with the police and be careful of muggers, snatchers and hold-uppers.

He noted that the best anti-criminalit­y measure is the vigilance of the public, particular­ly in implementi­ng selfprotec­tion measures against criminal elements.

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