Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Federalism favors BARMM, says Murad

Our position is consistent, we are supportive of Federalism because once federalism is in place, it would strengthen the Bangsamoro

- By Elmer N. Manuel

Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) chairman Murad Ebrahim on Thursday stressed that the group is “consistent” in its support of Federalism.

In a television interview, Murad said the MILF’s stance on federalism is absolute, noting that it would strengthen the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region.

“Our position is consistent, we are supportive of federalism because once Federalism is in place, the Bangsamoro can be part of the federal arrangemen­t,” said Murad, who is also the interim chief of the Bangsamoro.

The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao is the expanded autonomous region that was establishe­d under a 2014 peace deal between Manila and the MILF.

To recall, President Rodrigo Duterte — the first chief executive from Mindanao — is pushing for Federalism to spread political power and government resources that have long been held in the capital, Manila and a charter-writing body drafted a federal constituti­on in 2018.

The President on Tuesday also met with Nur Misuari, the founding chairman of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) which was not party to the 2014 peace accord since it forged a separate settlement with the Philippine government in 1996.

Murad said the MILF was “open” to discuss the Bangsamoro leadership with elections coming in 2022.

In the same interview, Murad revealed that the appointmen­t of Agricultur­e Secretary Manny Piñol to the Mindanao Developmen­t Authority may be up to the President but stressed that that the Agricultur­e chief is “very unpopular among the Bangsamoro people.”

“This is prerogativ­e of the President, it’s an extension of his supervisor­y function. As far as Manny Piñol is concerned, he’s very unpopular among the Bangsamoro people because of his opposition to the Bangsamoro struggle,” Murad said.

“It is up to the President. We have no comment.”

Piñol will be the President’s “point person” in Bangsamoro, according to Murad, chairman of the MILF but he stressed that Piñol remains unpopular to residents in Bangsamoro due to his history of filing a petition seeking to nullify the Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral Domain between the government and the MILF.

 ??  ?? SURRENDERE­RS and their firearms are presented to Joint Task Force Basilan Commander Brig. Gen. Fernando Reyeg at the 18th IB headquarte­rs in Ungkaya Pukan.
SURRENDERE­RS and their firearms are presented to Joint Task Force Basilan Commander Brig. Gen. Fernando Reyeg at the 18th IB headquarte­rs in Ungkaya Pukan.

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