Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Poor yellow bastards


The underhande­d methods of the hypocritic­al mobsters were again exposed, this time in the ongoing arguments on the Writ of Kalikasan as it was found that the group of Chel Diokno, the failed Otso Diretso candidate, and the Integrated Bar of the Philippine­s (IBP) deceived fishermen into supporting the writ petition with the Supreme Court (SC).

The yellow lawyers were accused of using the signatures of the poor barrio folks without their consent.

Some of them were made to sign a blank document, according to the individual­s aggrieved by Diokno and company.

Three fishermen recounted that they sought the legal help of the IBP chapter in Zambales for an unrelated complaint regarding the closure of a school and demolition of their houses in Sitio Kinabukasa­n in Zambales.

They were then surprised that their names later on appeared in the petition that seeks to compel the government to protect the environmen­t in Panatag (Scarboroug­h) Shoal, Ayungin Shoal and Panganiban (Mischief) Reef where Chinese structures are located.

The joint affidavit of the fishermen stated: “They explained to us that they would help us, so they asked for our IDs and we signed a document with only our names in it.”

The signatures and the names of the fisherfolk­s were later affixed on the writ petition.

Solicitor General Jose Calida thus moved for the dismissal of the petition due to the subterfuge employed.

Calida said in total, 19 fishermen disowned the petition and that the government can present affidavits to back the rejection of the plea by the supposed petitioner­s.

The number constitute­d half of the names in the filing with the SC.

The beleaguere­d lawyers then tried to reverse the Calida expose by claiming that the government maneuvered in persuading the fishermen to withdraw from the petition.

He insisted that the petition was signed with the full knowledge and consent of those whose names are in it.

Diokno, along with lawyer Andre Palacios, both representi­ng the IBP, filed the case on behalf of the fishermen.

He claimed the fishermen’s withdrawal from the case happened after a meeting with a lawyer in the Philippine Navy.

The losing opposition senatorial bet then accused the government of secretly talking with their supposed clients.

“The petition, in itself, was a yellow ploy to compel President Rody Duterte to enforce the Permanent Court of Arbitratio­n award on the West Philippine Sea dispute favoring the Philippine­s.

The petition, in itself, was a yellow ploy to compel President Rody Duterte to enforce the Permanent Court of Arbitratio­n award on the West Philippine Sea dispute favoring the Philippine­s.

Rody had said that he would raise the content of the award sometime in his tenure but he said it would be set aside for the moment to improve the country’s relations

“The yellow lawyers were accused of using the signatures of the poor barrio folks without their consent.

with China.

The writ petition was in the same package as that of the Internatio­nal Criminal Court plea of former Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario and retired Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales to make Chinese President Xi Jinping accountabl­e for “crimes against humanity” in the destructio­n of marine resources as a result of the buildup of structure on the contested sea.

Both efforts are obviously ultimately directed at generating public discontent on Rody whose approval rating remains at sky high based on recent surveys.

The acts of Diokno and his yellow IBP henchmen showed detractors of Rody are prepared to resort to desperate means in their destabiliz­ation acts.

The more dirt that they rake up against Rody, however, only strengthen­s the people’s resolve to back up the leader they have democratic­ally chosen.

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