Daily Tribune (Philippines)


It’s time we put up something like an environmen­tal unit in the Customs (bureau) to really act on this garbage issue


To prevent other countries from attempting to dump waste materials in the Philippine­s. Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III has directed Commission­er Rey Leonardo Guerrero of the Bureau of Customs (BoC) to look into the creation of a special strike team.

Dominguez issued the directive during a recent Department of Finance Executive Committee meeting after Guerrero reported that he had called on his counterpar­ts in the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to strengthen the law enforcemen­t capabiliti­es of the organizati­on’s member-states not only in the war against drug traffickin­g, but also in preventing the region from being a dumping ground for hazardous materials such as garbage of other countries. Guerrero said his fellow customs officials from the ASEAN member-states reacted positively to his proposal.

In response, Dominguez said that “it’s time we put up something like an environmen­tal unit in the Customs (bureau) to really act on this garbage issue.”

Guerrero also reported to Dominguez that other ASEAN member-states like Malaysia thanked the Philippine­s during the 28th meeting of the ASEAN Directors-General of Customs held at the Lao Republic for setting the example in the region when President Duterte stood pat in his decision to compel Canada to immediatel­y repatriate 69 containers of trash that were dumped in Manila six years ago.

After Canada failed to meet the original 15 May deadline set by President Duterte for the return of the imported wastes, the government recalled its ambassador and consuls to Canada to demonstrat­e its “diminished diplomatic relations” with the North American country.

This action prompted Canada to move its earlier 30 June commitment in repatriati­ng the waste to the Philippine­s’ revised 30 May deadline.

Other ASEAN countries like Malaysia and Cambodia are also working to have wastes dumped in their countries returned to Canada.

“Malaysia was thanking the Philippine­s for setting the example, this problem about the wastes, because now it has come to the consciousn­ess of the internatio­nal community, this garbage problem,” Guerrero said during the Execom meeting.

Guerrero said that as a result of President Duterte’s tough stand on the issue, he has received reports that plans to have other shipments of wastes transporte­d to the country have now been scuttled.

Dominguez said the strike team that he wants at the BoC will be akin to a special environmen­tal strike force team that will be activated to guard the entry of hazardous materials in the country.

Beating the deadline set by the government, the 69 containers of waste from Canada mislabeled by a private importer as recyclable materials and dumped in the Philippine­s six years ago were finally shipped out of the country last 31 May.

The South Korean government has also committed to help ship back to its country some 5,176 metric tons of waste materials illegally imported here last year and currently stored at the PHIVIDEC Industrial Authority premises in Misamis Oriental.

Malaysia was thanking the Philippine­s for setting the example, this problem about the wastes, because now it has come to the consciousn­ess of the internatio­nal community, this garbage problem.

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 ??  ?? MALAYSIA and Cambodia are working to have the wastes dumped on them returned to Canada.
MALAYSIA and Cambodia are working to have the wastes dumped on them returned to Canada.

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