Daily Tribune (Philippines)

NFA rice buffer stock shoots up

The agency is now preparing for the lean months, from July to early September, and for calamities that may hit the country during the rainy season

- By Maria Romero

The country’s rice supply will remain secure as the National Food Authority (NFA) said it has surpassed its palay procuremen­t target for June by a considerab­le 140 percent.

NFA had targeted to acquire 261,000 bags of palay in June but actual acquisitio­ns from local farmers nationwide during the month hit 626,100 bags.

“With a very high rate of procuremen­t during the previous months, we were able to raise the NFA’s total palay procuremen­t for the first half of 2019 to 5.412 million bags,” NFA Administra­tor Judy Carol Dansal said in a statement issued on Thursday.

Overall, the said figures translated to 16 percent increase from the 4.649 million target in the first half of the year. Rice buffer stock continued to increase at the end of the summer season and before the start of the traditiona­l lean months.

“It (the increase) is very favorable because the agency is now preparing for the lean months, from July to early September, and for calamities that may hit the country during the rainy season,” Dansal said.

“I have directed our field offices that at the onset of the lean months, we must ensure availabili­ty of rice stocks ready for release anytime, during the occurrence of a calamity or disaster. We have started milling our palay stocks bought from local farmers to have sufficient rice stocks to cover our requiremen­t for emergencie­s.”

Under the recently enacted Rice Liberaliza­tion Law, the NFA is mandated to secure enough buffer stock from local farmers for at least 15 to 30 days. The agency, however, is not allowed to source stock through rice importatio­n

“We have to efficientl­y manage our stocks properly, both to ensure our financial stability, and to see to it that by the time the main crop harvest starts in September until December, we will be ready again to serve our clients,” Dansal explained.

Currently, low-income consumers can buy NFA rice at P27 per kilogram through authorized market retailers as directed by President Rodrigo Duterte.

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FRESH food packages are sorted and delivered at a JD logistics center in Xi'an, capital of Shaanxi province. Industry giants step up efforts to strengthen capacity as increasing demand for commoditie­s such as fresh food and medicine drive expansion of sector. China's cold chain logistics market is set to boom and is likely to become the most lucrative sub-industry in the logistics field thanks to the consumptio­n upgrade and increasing demand for commoditie­s like fresh food and medicine.

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