Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Bangladesh endures devastatio­n


Heavy flooding and landslides in the Rohingya refugee camps of Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh, has left thousands of children and families in an increasing­ly dire situation with critical infrastruc­ture damaged or destroyed, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warned while scaling up relief efforts to those vulnerable children.

“Conditions in the camps and host community are deteriorat­ing rapidly because of the brutal weather,” said Alain Balandi Domsam, acting UNICEF Bangladesh Representa­tive, while stressing that “the humanitari­an needs here are only likely to grow over the coming days with more downpours expected.”

According to UNICEF, vital infrastruc­ture that children rely on such as learning centers and health facilities have been damaged or destroyed. To date, five UNICEF-supported centres have been heavily damaged, with over 750 partially damaged, interrupti­ng the education of more than 60,000 children.

In addition, the risk from waterborne diseases is also growing. At least 47 water distributi­on points and networks, and over 600 latrines have been affected or damaged, increasing the risk of Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD).

“Ensuring that children and families have access to safe water and sanitation is absolutely crucial to protecting them,” said Berta Travieso, Acting Chief of UNICEF Cox’s Bazar Field Office.

Meanwhile, the World Food Program (WFP) is also scaling up assistance to those displaced in the Cox’s Bazar affected by devastatin­g rains.

The agency has prepositio­ned 65 metric tons of high energy biscuits in refugee camps; emergency supplies for more than 160,000 people. As of 8 July, WFP has assisted 6,000 people with extra food assistance and is racing to stabilize slopes vulnerable to landslides.

 ?? UN PHOTO ?? WFP disaster risk reduction teams are stabilizin­g slopes that slipped during heavy rains in Cox’s Bazar.
UN PHOTO WFP disaster risk reduction teams are stabilizin­g slopes that slipped during heavy rains in Cox’s Bazar.

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