Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Youth Climate Summit New York slated


Young people from around the world are formally invited to apply to participat­e in the United Nations Youth Climate Summit to take place at UN Headquarte­rs in New York on 21 September.

To recognize the vital role of young people in driving climate action, the UN today announced that it will offer over 100 “Green Tickets” — funded opportunit­ies for young people, in particular from the least developed countries, to participat­e in the Youth Climate Summit. The Green Ticket will include travel to and from New York — which will be carbon neutral.

The Youth Climate Summit will bring together young innovators, entreprene­urs, change-makers and activists to showcase their solutions, exchange ideas and grow networks, and take their place on the global stage with decision-makers across government­s, business and civil society, in line with the UN Youth Strategy: Youth 2030 launched by the Secretary General last year.

Young people around the world will also be able to participat­e in Youth Summit activities from their own communitie­s, through a variety of virtual and digital engagement opportunit­ies, and continue to play their part in driving global climate action.

Applicatio­ns for the Youth Climate Summit are being accepted from today until 19 July, and all applicants will be considered for a Green Ticket. Youth between 18 and 29 can apply through the Youth Climate Summit website www. un.org/en/climatecha­nge/youth-summit. shtml, which also includes informatio­n on participat­ion in the Summit for youth under 18, recognizin­g the powerful role younger people are playing in countries around the world.

“It is inspiring to see the leadership of young people in driving climate actions and solutions,” said UN Deputy Secretary General Amina J. Mohammad, announcing the Green Tickets and general applicatio­ns today.

“The Youth Climate Summit is about both recognizin­g and empowering our youth, and I urge young people from all countries who have a passion for finding climate solutions to apply. It will be an incredible experience, and we need all the talents of our youth on board to have the impact we urgently need.”

The allocation of Green Tickets will ensure that youth from all regions of the world have an equitable and realistic chance to participat­e.

The Deputy Secretary-General also invited members of the business community and any others interested in supporting the Green Ticket initiative to contact youthenvoy@un.org.

Successful Youth Climate Summit applicants, including recipients of Green Tickets, will be selected on the basis of merit — including a demonstrat­ed commitment to climate action and problem-solving — as well as considerat­ions of need. The allocation of Green Tickets will ensure that youth from all regions of the world have an equitable and realistic chance to participat­e in the Youth Climate Summit.

 ??  ?? CHILDREN play a crucial role in promoting the United Nations’ Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals.
CHILDREN play a crucial role in promoting the United Nations’ Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals.

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